Chapter 8

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Lugging my duffle bag over my shoulder, I laugh at the site of Bawdy's tour bus outside of my apartment. It sticks out like a sore thumb on my little apartment street lined with regular cars.

After getting home last night (and pinching myself multiple times to make sure I wasn't dreaming), I quickly packed. I knew that I wasn't going to wake up early enough to do it in the morning, and I was running on pure excitement. Having little to no details of what we are doing this weekend, I threw in a few outfit change options. I opted for a pair of sweat shorts and a sweatshirt to be comfy on the bus ride.

Someone on his team helps with my bag and guides me up into the tour bus. I'm not sure why I was assuming this would be a regular bus just with rows of seats. Not like brown school bus seats, but something like those nicer fabric seats that school sports teams use for games.

The bus interior might as well be a mini apartment. There is a kitchenette and seating for eating as well as some bench seats. Behind it, there appears to be bed cubbies on both walls as well as a bathroom.

I feel a pair of intensifying eyes staring at me, and my view is immediately drawn to Bawdy. Under his eyes, dark circles are apparent and his hair is tousled, but he pulls the look off in a way that makes him way too alluring. Fucking delicious.

"Glad you could make it. Want anything to eat?" He asks while directing me to take a seat next to him on a kitchen bench.

"Just some water would be great. I still haven't woken up enough to want food."

He reaches into the fridge and hands me a chilled bottle.

"You enjoy the show last night?" He says while drinking out of a mug. At first, I assume that it's coffee, but as he moves the cup towards his lips, I catch a faint smell of whiskey in his cup.

You know what? He deserves to have himself a little drink in the afternoon after such a great performance the night before. Granted he probably also just woke up before needing to leave. He texted me that he was running a bit late. Luckily, that gave me time to take a shit before he showed up. I would have been too nervous to go around him, because I don't know how to be a normal human.

"It was so much fun. I never knew what backstage looked like before. A really cool first time experience," I say as I stop trying to make excuses for his drinking in my mind.

"And I want to have you experience a lot of firsts with me," he whispers towards my ear. I nearly choke on my water. Does he think I'm a virgin? I'd say I've tried some fun things during sex. Definitely not everything there is out there. I'm not sure what he has in mind. Maybe he doesn't even mean sex, but my mind naturally goes there when I look at him for too long. I can't help myself. The guy is a walking sex symbol in the best way possible.

"Cheers to that and your show tonight," I say as I clink my bottle against his mug. Bawdy smiles with a devious hint of trouble at me.

Once the bus enters the highway, Bawdy suggests that we lie down. He needs to make sure that he's rested for his show tonight. I don't know how he's able to stay up super late and still perform well multiple days in a row.

I see his drummer sitting on one of the beds, and he waves to me. Two of the other drawstring curtains are closed. One empty bunk like bed remains, and I see that in the back of the bus is a full-sized bed in a larger space, reserved for Bawdy.

I hesitate by the empty bed, unsure where I should go. I don't want to be too much of a distraction before he has a show that he needs to be rested for. I also don't want to just throw myself into his bed with him, although I wouldn't mind that one bit.

"After you," he motions me towards his bed in the back. I shuffle past him, feeling a flush on my cheeks as I lie down on his bed. This is actually happening. As he gets in, he closes the curtain, but I can still see out into the bus through tiny slivers on either side of the fabric.

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