Chapter 25

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"How are you doing?" He asks, moving closer towards me so that I can make out the white in his eyes.

"Better now that I ate."

He laughs. "Well as long as you're having a good time. I do wish it was a bit more quiet so we could talk more before I have to leave."

Bawdy has to go back to Miami tomorrow for another performance and work.

"I wish I could come," I say while turning my head to the side. He probably can't tell that I'm pouting and giving him puppy dog eyes. Probably better that he doesn't see how much I'm visibly going to miss him.

"Baby girl, I've told you countless times to come with."

I sigh. "You know I can't miss class, especially since I have a huge exam on Tuesday."

"I know, but the second you change your mind let me know, and I'll send my jet to grab you."

I lean up and kiss him, slowly at first. How casually he talks about having a plane pick me up effects me in more ways than it should. He's not outwardly boisterous about how much money that he has. But, I know that he has a lot. It's obvious. I don't just know that because I've looked up his net worth online.

Bawdy pulls me closer and starts to kiss me harder. I feel his hot breath against my lips, and I bite down on his bottom lip, desperate for more of him, wanting him inside me in any way possible.

One of his hands finds its way up the back of my thigh. His touch is light as he travels slowly up towards my butt, teasing me with his slow movements. His hand pulls up the bottom of my dress a bit, exposing most of my butt.

Before I can begin to think to care, he grips tightly onto my ass cheeks. A small moan escapes my lips and enters his mouth where it feeds him with my desires for him. I can tell he wants more.

His hand starts to travel up to my lower back where he pushes me closer towards him. His other hand cups the back of my neck, and I lose myself in his kisses, waiting for him to do more to me.

"Shit, sorry!" I hear from a woman's voice. I jerk backwards and turn my head and make eye contact with a blonde-haired woman who is holding hands with a tall guy. The light shining in from the hallway reminds me that I'm flashing them.

I quickly pull down my dress, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I pull my gaze away from them after I notice the man ogling me with his eyes. And the woman looks like she's doing the same. Can these fucks read the room and leave.

Bawdy waves with the hand that was just grabbing my butt. "Hey, Kent."

"Ah, Bawdy, I should have known. How have you been?"

These people can seriously not be having a casual conversation right now.

"Good, good," he casually replies. "Well, how about I catch up with you guys later."

"Sure thing, " Kent replies. He turns towards the door, but his date tugs on his arm and stops him. They exchange a look, and Kent turns back towards us. "Actually, I mean... it looks like we were both trying to find a place for the same purpose. What if we just joined you two?"

I don't know Kent, but I know I certainly don't want his random dick inside of me.

Bawdy looks down at me. "Uh, no? Right?" He whispers.

Oh, interesting that he'd even need to be confirming that with me. As I've thought about how he's been with others girls before, I've never thought about him being with more than one at once.

"That's going to be a no from me," I reply to him, being too shy to say it loudly for the other two.

"We're going to pass. Close the door on your way out," Bawdy replies to Kent and his date.

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