Chapter 26

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Seven days until Bawdy gets back.

I roll myself out of bed, unmotivated to start my day. He flew overnight to Miami, so he had to drop me off alone back at my place.

I wish I would have been able to sleep with him. I've gotten some of the best sleep of my life tucked underneath his arm and up against his body.

He had door and window security systems put in place for me, but I still don't feel completely at ease and safe unless I'm with him. Especially with more pictures of us taken at the event last night, I'm still worried that I'm going to have some more paparazzi run-ins.

After slipping on some fuzzy socks and a sweatshirt, I shuffle out into the living room to find Kennedy working diligently on her laptop.

"You're up and working early," I note as I open the fridge. My hand begins reaching for a seltzer can, but I stop myself remembering it's just Sunday, and I have no plans to go out. And it wouldn't taste anywhere as good as that champagne that I had last night. I need to remember to ask Bawdy if he knows what it is. Although it's probably super expensive, but I know I wouldn't have to ask him twice to get me some.

Kennedy laughs and shakes her head. "Well, party animal, it's past two in the afternoon, so I wouldn't really consider it early."

I glance over at the time on the stove. Shit, it really is that late.

I opt for pouring myself a glass of orange juice. Although there's just enough to fill up half of a glass. "I'm going to grab my laptop, and I'm putting you in charge of forcing me to get work done today." I go to throw out the orange juice container only to find the trash completely full.

Right, that one's on me.

"Sounds good. I can't leave this spot until I'm ready for my exam tomorrow." Kennedy shifts on the barstool, and I can tell her tone is visibly changing. "But first, you really need to throw out the trash."

If it bothers her so much, then maybe she should just throw it out herself. I scrunch my eyebrows and shake the thought out of my head, which is ringing with a hint of hangover.

"Yeah, sorry," I reply curtly.

"And it's also your turn to vacuum the living room this week," she says without lifting her gaze from her laptop.

I just fucking woke up, and she knows how much work I need to get done. The world isn't going to fucking end if we wait until tomorrow to take care of these things. Well, actually, our chores change on Monday, so she would be the one in charge of the trash and vacuuming.

"Maybe later. Listen I'm so stressed about my exam on Tuesday," I say while downing all of my juice.

"I think you'd work better in a clean environment. Always helps me clear my head."

Not everyone in this world is you, Kennedy. I don't reply to her as I shove my feet into a pair of shoes that I left laying by the door. While staring at her with an are you happy now? expression on my face, I pull the trash bag out and go out the door, letting it slam behind me.

I cool down a bit on my way back upstairs. Kennedy eyes me suspiciously as I grunt loudly as I kick off my shoes. "Thank you," she says genuinely.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes. I don't know why I'm in such a pissy mood.

I guess it's probably the combination of having a million things to do and not being with the one person I'd rather be doing right now.

After shaking the aggravated thoughts out of my mind, I pull out my laptop and move to the kitchen next to Kennedy.

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