Chapter 119

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"I guess it's time to end this sham."

Aaron stared at Theo for a second before taking a seat on the bed. With his hands and leg chained, he was at an disadvantage.

"Is Theo your real name?"

"I never lied about my name. Just my heritage."

"Theo, why am I here? Why did you pretended to be related to me?"

"I needed to get close to you. I knew saying that we're brothers wouldn't be convincing enough."

"I had a suspicion that you initiate a conversation with me for your own personal reasons."

"I hadn't expected any feelings to..."

The conversation was cut short when the door opened and the guy from earlier entered the room.

"Theo, what are you doing in here?"

Aaron could tell from the look on his face, that he didn't want Theo anywhere near him.

"Im not doing anything. I was just checking on him."

"I never told you too."

"Whatever." Theo glanced at Aaron for a moment before silently leaving the room.

"I think it's time for us to be acquainted with each other."

"You already know my name." Aaron stated.

"My name is Justin Boyd. Theo is my younger brother."

"Why did you kidnapped me?"

Justin stared at him as he trod over to the bed. Aaron sprung up, the chains clinking loudly at the sudden movement. Justin smirked at him and let out a chuckle. It wasn't a pleasant one.

"Because you belong to me."

Aaron froze at his words. Belong to him?

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." His smile spread into a big grin.

Aaron didn't like the way he was staring at him. He had to find a way out of this place. But, first he had to figure out his location.

"You can't keep me here."

"Yes, I can." Justin reached out a hand and touched his cheek.

Aaron has always counted on his quick reflexes, but before he could push his hand away, he felt a slight sting at the side of his neck. He jerked back, holding a hand to his neck.

He looked at the needle in Justin's hand. "What did you give me?"

"Just something to make you relax."

"Get away from me."

Aaron shook his head, suddenly feeling light-headed. His whole body went numb and he dropped to the bed. Justin moved his body into the middle of the mattress, then sat down next to him.

"This is only way that I can get close to you."

His body couldn't move but he could feel every touch, as Justin ran his fingers down his cheek, his neck, along his collarbone.

Aaron closed his eyes when lips touched his skin.

Aaron opened his eyes ad more kisses rained on his face, as fingers caressed his stomach.

"I've waited so long for this."

Unable to do anything, Aaron could only watch as Justin leaned closer, then lips were on his own. Lips trailed across his cheek, to his ear.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you right now." Justin whispered before lifting himself off his body.

But he still couldn't move.

Aaron's eyes rolled to the side, watching him as he walked to the door. With a hand still on the handle, Justin turned to look at him.

A half smile played on his mouth, as though it amused him to see how powerless he was, lying there.

It infuriated him to the point that he wanted to knock that smug look off his face.

"Don't worry. The effects of the drug will wear off soon."

The door clicks close but his eyes stayed on the door for a few more minutes. When he was sure no one was going to enter the room again, he closed his eyes wearily. He laid there for almost twenty minutes, before he tried to move his fingers again.

At first nothing happened but he kept on trying until finally, his fingers moved. He tried his feet, relieved when both legs moved.

Another fifteen minutes passed before he could sit in an upright position.

He sat on the edge of the bed and a sudden bout of dizziness washed over him. Taking deep breaths, Aaron steadied himself for a moment before he got up and hobbled over to the door.

After locking the door,even though it was probably useless. He pulled the plastic fork from his pants and snapped it into two pieces. Taking the piece with the sharpest point, he hid it under the pillow. It wouldn't do much damage but it would hurt enough.

Because there wasn't a clock or a window in the room, he couldn't tell the time. He was going to need Theo's help escaping. But the million dollar question was; would he help him.

In his head, he could imagine the minutes ticking away. The silence in the room started to lull him to sleep but he forced his eyes to remain open.

An audible click on his right made him spun around, just smoke started leaking into the room.

Knockout gas.

He ran over to the wall and pulled at the chain but it wouldn't budge.

With no time to waste, he dashed over to search the table but he couldn't find anything to use to unlock the cuffs or chain. The smoke was quickly filling up the room, causing him to choke. He couldn't hold his breath for long.

Making his way to the bed, he grabbed the pillow and removed the pillowcase.

He suddenly paused when he saw a set of keys attached to the lower part of the headboard. It was the keys to his restraints. He quickly removed the shackle and cuffs, then ran to the door leading to the bathroom.

He slammed the door shut and tore off his shirt before dashing over to the sink.

After soaking his shirt, he knelt down to search the sink cabinet for tape to seal the gaps of the bathroom door.

He breathed a huge sigh of relief when found duct tape wrapped up in a dirty shirt. He ran to the door and sealed the gaps, hoping it would help to keep the smoke out. He leaned against the wall before slumping to the floor.

He glanced at the door again but no smoke was seeping through.

Why would they try to put him to sleep?

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