Chapter 90

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  Kyle hands tightened around the edges of the photo as he stared down at the face now visible from the photo. He recognized the face as one of the guys he had hanged out with at the academy.

"Is Aaron dating anyone?" Brett Saxe asked sitting down next to him one afternoon when their class had ended.

Kyle had given him a fixed stare, hands clenched under the table. "Why do you want to know?"

"I've been watching him for a while now and I've never seen him hanging out with anyone but you."

"Aaron is off limits."

"Why? Do you want him for yourself?"

"He's my friend and I've seen the way you treat your lovers. Aaron is different from those guys you usually date."

Brett shrugged his shoulders. "I could have him if I wanted to."

"I'm warning you Brett. Keep away from Aaron."

Kyle should have know that Brett would do something this underhanded. Aaron had ignored every one of his flirting but Brett had been persistent. Aaron had even complained to him about Brett stalking him, showing up unannounced at their room. It always happened whenever he wasn't around.

  The elevator doors opened onto the ninth floor. Kyle's footsteps echoed on the hard floor as he walked to Harold's door. Harold had seen Brett hanging out with them during the academy. This was not going to end well. Kyle knocked on the door.

"It's open."

  Kyle entered the room, closing the door behind him. He went straight up to his desk and placed the photo down. Harold picked it up to look at it.

"Is that Brett Saxe?"

"It looks like him."

  Harold looked up at him. "Wasn't he a friend of yours?"

"I wouldn't call him a friend. We ran in the same group, that's all."

"What is he doing right now?"

"I don't know. He dropped out before he graduated." Now Kyle knew the real reason behind Brett's disappearance.

"He needed to disappear just in case Aaron remembered anything about that night." Harold stated. "We need to find him. He's the only one that knows the identity of the other guys."

"How are we going to find him? I don't think he goes by the same name."

"I'll get in contact with my friend at the academy."

"What should I do with this?" Kyle asked, holding up the photo.

"Keep it with you."

  After leaving Harold's office, Kyle pulled his phone from his pocket. He dialed a number and waited for the person on the other end to answer his call.

"What's up, Kyle?"

"Just calling to check in."

"Everything is fine on my end."

"Is he giving you any trouble."

"No. All is good."

"Good. Call me if anything happens."

"Will do."

  Kyle hang up as he exited the building to heavy downpour. He dashed to his vehicle and quickly got in. He picked the wrong day to park in front the building instead of the garage.

  With a flick of his hand, he started the engine, turning on the heater. He leaned his head against the seat, staring out at the downpour. He had never trusted Brett. There was always something about the guy that made him wary. But it had never crossed his mind that Brett would do that to Aaron. He guess Brett had gotten tired of being rejected by the number one student. He wondered if any of those guys that lusted after Aaron were involved?

  He exited the parking lot but instead of driving to Aaron's, Kyle drove to the supermarket. Aaron had told him to buy Logan's favorite ice-cream on his way home. Kyle pulled into the large parking lot and locked off the engine. Making his way through the doors, he strode purposefully toward the dairy aisle. He grabbed two small tubs of Häagen-Dazs; caramel and butter pecan. He had to keep both guys happy. Aaron love butter pecan ice-cream. He was walking up the aisle to the counter when something caught his eyes. With a smile on his face, he went to grab the item them made his way to the counter to pay for his purchases.

  The raining was falling lightly when exited the supermarket. He opened his vehicle and put the bag on the backseat. Since it was going to be a long ride, Kyle drove a little pass the speed limit, not wanting the ice-cream to melt before he reached his destination. As usual, Kyle made sure that he wasn't being followed before turning off the main road onto the dirt road. He kept his gaze between the rear view mirror and the road, ready to switch to the unused dirt road. When he saw no other vehicle behind him, he continued driving.

  Those tall trees provided a perfect cover. He drove through the gate, parked the vehicle and grabbed the bag from the back and got out.

The door swung open before he could unlock it.

"What took you so long?" Logan asked.

"Something came up." Kyle closed the door behind them. He kissed Logan before heading to the kitchen. He put the ice-cream in the refrigerator.

"Tonight is our date night."

  Kyle pulled him into his arms, smiling down at him. "I'm sorry that we won't be going out."

"It's not a big deal. We can always go on a real date later."

  Kyle tipped Logan's chin up and leaned down to give him a deeper kiss before backing away.

"Where is Aaron?" Kyle asked.

"He's upstairs."

"How was your training?"

  Logan gave him a droll look. "Don't ask. I'm trying not to think about it."

"I know how it feels to be trained by Aaron. But he really means well."

"I know he means well but my body can't take it anymore."

"That's why we decided to make tonight a date night so you can relax."

  Logan went to sit down. "I'll be down here waiting."

  Kyle bounded up the stairs to look for Aaron. He found him in the bedroom getting dress. Kyle walked up behind him and placed a kiss on his neck.

"Next time, wait for me."

"If I wait for you then I would never get dressed on time."

"Is that a bad thing?" Kyle's fingers crawled down Aaron's stomach inching their way towards his crotch.

"Kyle, don't turn me on. Logan is already waiting downstairs." Aaron elbowed him in his stomach. "Get ready."

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