Chapter 78

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  Aaron suddenly awoke to the sound of tapping. He swung his legs over the bed and glanced over his shoulder at both Logan and Kyle still sleeping.

  Peering at the bedside digital clock, he saw that it was only four in the morning.

  Hearing the tapping sound again, he grabbed his gun from the drawer and got up from the bed. He opened the door and left the bedroom, leaving the door ajar. He waited for his eyes to adjust before slowly descending the stairs, gun aimed outward. The tapping sound was louder this time.

  He walked further into the room, his feet taking him in the direction to where the sound was coming from.

  Without turning on the lights, he way pass the kitchen to the back door.

  He paused at the door to listen to the tapping sound. He let out a short laugh before lowering his gun.

  Aaron turned away from the door and went into the room. He strode over to where he had the video surveillance. The LED monitor he had set up showed images from outside.

  Leaning closer to the screen he spotted a loose tree branch hitting against the door. He was going to make Kyle take that branch down.

  Aaron checked the monitors one more time before he was satisfied. He exited the room and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water and the bowl of fruits. He sat down on the couch and turned on the television. Sleep had eluded him. He scrolled through the channels until he found a movie to watch.

  After the movie ended, he decided to sleep on the couch instead of going back upstairs.

  This house was chosen specifically because of its location. He had purchased this house years ago under a pseudonym. The only person he had told about purchasing the house was Kyle. But he hadn't told him the real reason. Aaron stared up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

  His past was catching up to him and it took all his mentality to not break down. The stairs creaked and he sprung up, gun in hand.

"What are you doing up?" He asked Kyle.

"You took too long coming back to bed. Everything okay with you?"

"Everything is fine. I just had to check on something."

"Logan is still fast asleep."

  Kyle continued down the stairs towards him. He didn't stop until he was standing in front of him. Aaron only had a second to place the gun down before Kyle slammed his mouth on his. Aaron had already expected this when he saw him coming down the stairs. Kyle pushed him down on the couch then continued to kiss him as though he had just discovered some kind of delicious treat.

Aaron pulled his mouth away. "Kyle, I'm really okay. I heard a noise by the back door and came down to check it."

  Kyle sighed and planted his face in the crook of his neck. Aaron ran his hand up and down his back soothingly.

"I used to get antsy whenever you went out, leaving me behind. I would sit in our room at the academy watching the door, waiting for you to return."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew that you could take care of yourself and I didn't want to bother you."

"You could never be a bother."

"Whatever is bothering you, I hope you know that Logan and I are here for you. We both love you and want to protect you."

  Aaron pulled his face down and kissed him softly on his mouth. "I love you, Kyle. I love you both."

  And he would do anything to protect them.

"God, I never thought I would hear you say those three words to me."

  Kyle stared down at him for a minute before he felt his soft lips trailing down his neck. Moaning lightly, Aaron tilted his head to give him better access. He moved further down to kiss his shoulder. Kyle looked him in the eyes and took his mouth in a kiss. His kiss was hungry and very heated.

  Aaron knew Kyle wanted more than just oral sex. He had seen the condoms and lubes in Kyle's bag. They still hadn't discussed how or when but he figured it would come naturally.

  Aaron wrapped his legs around Kyle's waist as the kiss deepened. Lips moved to ear, sucking on his earlobe.

"I want to be in you so bad." Kyle whispered against his ear.

  Aaron froze at his words. Images of a dark room and a bed flashed in his mind. What the hell were those images?

"Aaron, look at me." Kyle grabbed his face with both hands. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." He didn't know what to tell him. He wasn't even sure those images were real.

"It doesn't look like it's nothing."

  Aaron sighed, "When you said those words to me, images of a room popped up in my head."

"What kind of room?"

"I couldn't make out what kind of room because it was too dark."

  Kyle sat up to look at him. "Anything else?"

  Aaron shook his head. "No, there was nothing else." He rubbed his temple at the headache forming there.

"Is your head hurting you again?"


  Kyle got up and walked to the drawer in the kitchen. Aaron heard the drawer bang shut before Kyle appeared with a pill bottle in his hand.

"Here, take this for the headache."

  Aaron quietly took the bottle and put two of the pills in his mouth, washing them down with water. He reclined against the couch, closing his tired eyes.

"I need to rest for a while." Aaron got up a bit shakily but managed to keep himself from sitting back down. "I'll be in one of the guest rooms. If Logan asks for me tell him I'm taking a nap."

"Do you need any help?"

"No, I'm good."

  Aaron gave him a smile before leaving to go upstairs. His feet carried him to the bedroom at the end of the hallway. He dragged himself over to the bed and plopped down, instantly falling asleep.

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