Chapter 123

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  Mr. Malone unlocked the door and led them inside the bank vault, to rows of safe deposit boxes. He went to the last row, then pulled out a key.

"This box hasn't be active for years now. But someone always comes by to make sure it's still there."

"Have you seen this person lately?"

"Three months ago."

"Was it a male or female?" Harold asked.

"I think it was a female."

"I'm going to need to see your surveillance video from three months ago."

"Sure." Mr. Malone handed him the key. "I'll be right outside, if you need me."

  Harold waited for the door to close before pulling the box from inside the safe. He carried the box to the table and began rifling through the contents. He found documents related to George's business. Photos of his family. Harold frowned at one of the photos.

"I thought George only had one son."

  Harold showed Tim the photo. It was a photo of George, his wife and two boys.

"He had twin boys?" Tim flipped the photo over. "It has their names on the back."

  Harold took the photo to read the names. Justin and Stephen Boyd.

"We're packing up everything."

  He pulled a bag from his pocket and put everything from the safety deposit box into it.

"If George had two sons, why do we know only about one?"

"I don't know."

  Harold took a second glance at the photo. "I think Aaron might be in more danger than we thought."

"George had twin boys." Harold held the photo up against the glass partition.

"I guess he was actually good in keeping some things a secret."

"You only told me about Justin. What happened to Stephen?"

"How should I know? I'm not their keeper."

  Harold raised a hand to the prison officer. "We're gonna take a ride."

  The smug look fell off Arthur's face when the officer standing in the room, hurried towards him. 

  Harold just watched as Arthur was handcuffed and dragged from the room.

  It was a necessary tactic. They didn't have time to slow dance with this piece of crap.

  Arthur was blindfolded and shoved roughly into the back of an old van.

  Muffled shouts could be heard coming from the body twitching around on the floorboard. But Harold kept his head forward, his attention on the road.

  The drive was silent as the vehicle drove further away from civilization.

  The van drove through a gate, passed several derelict houses with boarded-up windows. It came to a stop in front of a old shabby abandoned building. Arthur was dragged from the vehicle, roughly to the ground. A grunt of pain escaped his mouth but Harold ignored it.

"Take him inside. Rough him up a bit but don't leave any visible marks."

  Harold spared a glance at the the two guys carrying Arthur inside the building.

"How long do you think it will take for him to talk?"

"Not long." Tim told him.

"I know what we're doing is illegal but I don't care. We need to get information from him."

  Ten minutes later, the door opened and both guys walked out.

"How did it go?"

"He's ready to talk."

  Harold didn't waste any more time idling. Once inside, they made their way downstairs to the basement, where Arthur was tied to a chair.

  The basement was cold and damp, which left it cold. Harold walked over to him and removed the gag from his mouth.

"Ready to talk or do you need more convincing?"

"I'll...I'll talk." Arthur's eyes darted around with a wild look of panic.

"Tell us everything we need to know, right now "

"George had twin boys Justin and Stephen. They're three years older than Aaron. The first time Arthur brought them to see Aaron, I was surprised he had two boys."

"Why did George introduced them to Aaron?"

"He wanted them to get attached to him. George knew that if they saw Aaron, they would become possessive towards him. He told me they always liked to share their toys."

"They were kids. How could they know?"

"George told me they showed signs of being sociopaths. Stephen more so than Justin."

"Were they ever alone with Aaron?"

"They would hang out with him anytime George visited my house."

  Tim stepped closer to him then leaned forward with a disgusted look on his face.

"You're a real piece of shit. It wasn't bad enough that you abused your son but you left him alone with two boys that were depraved as their father."

"What happened to Stephen?"

"No one knows. One day he just disappeared."

  Harold braced himself against the wall with both arms folded across his chest. It couldn't be a coincidence that  Stephen disappeared without a trace.

"Do you have any idea where Justin would take Aaron?"

"His dad had a lot of properties."

"Where do you think Justin would take Aaron?"

"In my safe I had a list of all George's business information. Check them out."

  Howard pushed away from the wall but stopped when something crossed his mind.

"Do you know a Brett Saxe?"

  Arthur shook his head wearily, but kept his gaze averted. His whole body body was shaking uncontrollably from the cold.

"The longer you stay down here without any barrier between you and the cold, the quicker hypothermia sets in. Now, for me personally I would watch you die but I'm a law abiding officer."

  Harold pointed at Tim. "Him, on the other hand would let it happen."

  Arthur's shoulders sagged, "I've heard the name years ago in passing."

"What else do you know?"

"He's related to Justin and Stephen."

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