Chapter 136

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"A private plane left for Green Island a month ago." Kyle informed Harold, before bringing the image of Green Island on the screen.

"I've never heard of this Island."

"That's because it has a small population. You have to take a plane to this island." Kyle pointed to the screen. "There's another smaller island west of this one. Accessible by a small boat or plane."

"Do you think Justin took Aaron to this island?"

"I think Justin has a place on this island."

"Is it under our jurisdiction?"

"No, it's not."

"How did he manage to take Aaron without anyone reporting it?"

"Justin has connections. With the right payment, anyone would be willing to look the other way."

"We can use navigational satellites to pinpoint their exact location."

Harold's phone rang out, cutting short their conversation. He glanced at the screen, before looking at him.

Kyle watched silently as he answered the phone.

"What did you find?"

Kyle could tell by the look that appeared on Harold's face, it was not good news.

"Thanks." Harold hung up his phone, his gaze shifting reflectively to nothing in particular.

"Harold, what is it?"

"We need to visit the retirement home in Parham."

The drive to Parham was almost an hour long.

"Okay," Kyle sent Logan a quick message, letting him know that he'll be back late. "Your car or mine?"

"You drive." Yeah, something was definitely wrong.

Kyle drove out the parking garage onto the street, heading east towards Parham.

"Do you want to tell me the reason we're going to Parham?"

"A friend of mine found a lady that used to take care of Justin and Stephen."

Kyle glanced over at him for a second, before turning his head to the front.

"I don't get it. What does that have to do with Aaron?"

"She found out a few years ago that Stephen changed his appearance."

"He had facial surgery?"

"That's the reason we're going there."

If Stephen had facial surgery it would be impossible now to recognize him.

"Do you think she knows what he looks like now?"

"She's getting on in years. We can try to ask her, but I doubt she will remember."

"What's the location of her house?"

"She's staying at a retirement home on Fig Tree Drive."

During the rest of the drive, Kyle went over that bit of information in his head. His mind flashed to the faces of young guys he had seen at the college, at the diner.

Any one of them could have been Stephen.

The vehicle turned onto Fig Tree drive, before coming to a stop in front of the retirement home. They got out the vehicle and strode up to the door.

They entered the air-conditioned place after showing their badges to the security at the door. Kyle had actually been to this home to visit his grandmother before she died.

He spotted a well-dressed man leaning against the counter, talking to the lady at the front desk.

"Bishop, still trying to charm the ladies." Harold walked up to the front desk and clapped him on the back.

"Hey, Harold. It's been a while."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit a friend." Bishop looked at Kyle with a friendly expression. "One of yours?"

"Yes, he's one of mine."

"Anyway, it was nice seeing you. I'm going to head out. Take care of yourself."

"You too."

"He looks familiar." Kyle remarked.

"His son is a firefighter."

Kyle's head twisted to stare at Harold. No way.

"Is it Mitch?"


"That's why you're okay with him working with us?"

"Mitch knows a lot about police work. He just chose a different profession."

"Is that the reason you paired him with Pete?"

"No, that's not the reason."

Harold turned to the receptionist with a warm smile, showing his badge.

"Hi, we're here to visit Freida Claxton."

  The receptionist scanned his badge then picked up the phone. 

  After talking for a few seconds, she smiled up at him.

"You can go ahead. It's too he second door on your right."

"Thank you."

Freida Claxton was was sitting on a chair, staring out the window.

Kyle had expected an older woman, but Freida looked to be in her early sixties.

Harold made his way over to her side. "Freida, how are you doing?"

Her gaze moved from the outside scenery to look up at him. "I'm good."

"Can I ask you a few questions? Is that okay with you?"

She glanced around her surroundings, before standing up from her seat. "We can talk in the library."

Kyle's gaze roamed the room and his eyes landed on a male caregiver, who was staring at them. With his face secured in his mind, Kyle followed them out the room.

The library was situated further down the hallway. They entered the room, and Kyle closed the door. He positioned himself at the door just in case someone tried to enter unexpectedly.

Freida took a seat then turned her attention to Harold. "I haven't seen the twins in thirteen years."

"How do you know that Stephen had facial surgery?"

"The doctor that did the procedure let it slipped when he was drunk."

"Why did he tell you?"

Freida shook her head. "He drank too much at a gala and spilled the beans to a friend of mine."

"Did he gave you a photo of how Stephen looks now?"

"Yes, he did." She got up and walked over to the bookcase. She pulled a book that was hidden from the shelf.

  She leafed through the book for a second, then closed it with a snap.

"It's gone."

"What's gone?"

"The photo I had of Stephen. It's not here."

  Kyle felt the handle of the door twist, but whoever was on the other stopped when the door wouldn't open. Kyle tapped Harold on his shoulder.

  He put a finger to his mouth, pointed to his ear, then at the door.

  Harold gave a single nod, then turned to Freida. "Has anyone been lingering around you for the past couple of days?" He asked in a whisper.

"Not really."

"Anyone new started working here?"

"Yeah. A month ago a new guy started working here. I haven't had any interaction with him, but he's always close by whenever I'm in the room."

"When last have you been in contact with your friends?" Kyle had a suspicion that this guy might be working for Stephen.

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