Chapter 83

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  Logan's heart was beating hard in his chest at the sound of the gunshot. The recoil from the gun was unexpected.

"Most people flinch their first time at the recoil."

"Did you flinch your first time shooting a gun?"

"No, I didn't." Aaron pointed to the target. "Let's continue."

  Logan took a deep and focused his eyes on the target in front of him. He kept Aaron's words in his mind as he took his stance. He pulled the trigger again and again until he heard the click. He handed the gun to Aaron as he removed the earphones.

"How did I do?"

  Aaron went to bring over the target sheet to show him. "Not bad. With more practice you will definitely get better."

  Logan smiled when he saw the results. He had shoot the number seven three times but the other bullets had missed. "I actually know how to shoot a gun."

  Aaron looked up at the sky. "That's enough for today. We will continue tomorrow."

"Can I keep this?"

"Sure. What are you going to do with it?"

"A souvenir."

"Okay. Let's pack up before it starts to rain." Just as those words left his mouth rain began to fall. "Logan take this bag to the house. Hurry up. I don't want you to get sick." Aaron threw the bag to him.

  Logan ran to the house, heedful of his steps. He entered the house, placed the bag on the floor and turned to look out the door. There was no sign of Aaron. He took a step forward towards the door but stopped when he saw Aaron dashing towards the door.

  Aaron closed the door behind him and dropped the other bag to the floor. Logan's eyes were glued to the wet shirt clinging to Aaron's body like a second skin. Not wanting to get aroused at this time, he darted his eyes to stare out the window. It was raining heavily now.

"It was a good thing we started practicing early." Aaron wiped the water from his face. "Change out of your wet clothes."

"What about you? Aren't you going to change as well?"

"I will."

  He dashed up the stairs to his room to change, shivering when the cool air hit his wet skin. Opting to take a warm shower to chase away the chill, he headed in the bathroom. After his shower, Logan hurried to his room to dry his skin. He got dressed then went down to the living-room.

  Logan searched around for Aaron but he was nowhere to be found.

  Seeing the door Aaron had disappeared into earlier, he went over and knocked on it, hoping Aaron was in there. 

  Logan put his ear to the door to listen for any there was no reply. With a frown, he took the stairs two at a time. He walked to the last door on his right and knocked.

"Aaron, are you in there?"

  At first there was only silence but then he heard a noise from the other side.

"Logan, I'm fine."

  Logan twisted the door handle but it was locked. "Aaron, why is the door locked?"

"Give me a minute."

"What are you doing in there?" Logan shook the handle. He was starting to get worried.

"I'm getting dressed."

  Since when did Aaron cared about privacy.

"Aaron, let me in right now!"

  Footsteps pounded towards the door before it was swung open. "I told you everything is fine. I was just putting on my clothes." Aaron leaned against the door jamb.

  Logan pushed passed him to enter the room. He looked around the room searching for anything that would yell him why he took so long to open the door. The room was thoroughly kempt.

  He spun around to face Aaron. "Let me see your shoulder."

"Why do you want to see my shoulder?"

"Humor me, okay?"

  Aaron sighed before removing his shirt to show Logan his bandaged shoulder. Logan leaned closer to inspect the bandage.

"My shoulder is fine. I just changed the bandage." Aaron told him putting back on his shirt.

"Why did you take so long to open the door?"

  Aaron leaned against the door with his arms folded across his chest. He stared at him unblinkingly for a full minute before a sigh left his mouth.

"My shoulder was bleeding a bit, so I had to change the bandage."

"Did the stitches tore?"

"I jarred it at the range."

  He had acted like it hadn't been a big deal teaching him to shoot.

"Why don't we defer practicing until you're fully healed. I don't want you hurting yourself."

"I can still teach you."

Logan rolled his eyes. "How about we continue practicing the day after tomorrow? Give your shoulder time to rest."

"We can skip tomorrow."

  The guy was definitely stubborn.


"Kyle will be here in an hour. Don't you tell him that I injured my shoulder. We keep this between us."

"I don't want to lie to him." Logan protested

"I can't have him breathing down my neck. I need to do my job and Kyle will try to hinder me from doing anything until my shoulder heals. That's not me."

"I won't tell him if you promise not to force yourself to endure any pain. If your shoulder hurts, tell us so that we can help you."

"Okay, I promise."

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