Chapter 16

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  Logan stared blankly at the building in front of him, then glanced at Aaron before looking back at the building, dread filling him.

"Why are we here?"

"I just thought we'd work out together."

"Why? I thought we'd be doing something fun."

  Aaron laughed as he grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the entrance. He really didn't want to do this. "It's not going to be that bad."

  He was dragged to the counter where he reluctantly signed up as a member. Then Aaron showed him what machines to use.

  For the next hour, Logan worked out until his body trembled from exertion.

"No more. I can't do this." He panted, sweat dripping off his face onto his t-shirt.

"We still have self defense."

"No way! I'm exhausted."

"We'll start after you've had a rest."

  Logan gaped at him, "Aren't you tired?"

"I've been doing this since High school." Aaron told him as though that explained everything.

  He took the bottled water Aaron was holding out to him, taking a gulp of the cool refreshing water. He wasn't a person that gives up easily. So he would push through with the self defense class even if his body demanded rest.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Trust me. It won't be too bad."

  One hour later, Logan was ready to call it quits. He was dripping with sweat from forehead to chin and his body felt like it was hit by a truck. He limped his way to the bench and laid down, breathing heavily.

"I regret agreeing to this."

"For a first timer, you did a good job." Aaron sat down next to him, pushing the wet strands from his forehead.

  Logan guffawed at the remark, as he got up with a groan. "I highly doubt that."

"Come on, let's get out of here."

"Where are you taking me?" Logan asked as they left the building.

  He hoped it wasn't some place to do more exercise. His body really couldn't take anymore.

"Don't worry, we won't overdo it." Aaron started the engine and drove off, heading east away from his dorm building.

  He rolled his window down, and a gentle breeze wafted over him. Logan breathed out as he closed his eyes, the cool breeze cooling him down.

  He didn't realized working out could make the body feel so tired. Between the breeze and his tiredness, he fell asleep.

  This time he dreamt about his family. In this one, he was on his way downstairs when he saw his teacher shot his dad. He had run to warn his mother, when they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. His mom had told him to hide while she went to get his younger brother. He had barely made it under the bed, when there was another gunshot.

  His mom's screams rang through, cutting the quiet of the night. The door to his bedroom opened and two pair of shoes entered, dragging his mom behind him. She was thrown to the ground, blood decorating the front of her clothes.

"Where is Tyler?" He mouthed, but she just shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

  Mr. Sinclair walked over her body, flipping her onto her back. "Where is he?"

  Logan's eyes widened when he realized his teacher was looking for him. He started to slither forward, but his mom turned her head to look at him. He stopped moving the instant she shook her head.

"He's not here. We sent him away from you."

"Why would you do that? He belongs here with me." Hands reached around her neck, squeezing until she had to grab his hands.

  His mom continue to beat her fists against his hands until he let her go. Logan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard sirens in the distance. Thinking his teacher would leave them alone, he flung a hand over his mouth when he saw him brandish a knife.

  His mom managed to turn her head to him, "I love you." She mouthed.

"No one takes what belongs to me."

  He brought the knife down, stabbing her in the stomach over and over. Logan stared at his mom's face, crying.

  Mr. Sinclair didn't move until he had made sure she was dead. Logan heard the sirens blaring in front of his home. His teacher dropped the knife and ran out his room, disappearing. He had waited for a few minutes, just to make sure he was alone before pulling himself from under the bed. 

  He crawled to his mom's body unable to hold back his tears.

  That's how the police found him.

"Logan...Logan wake up."

  Logan opened his eyes, blinking away the tears. He turned his head so Aaron wouldn't see him crying. He quickly wiped his sleeves across his eyes before plastering a smile on his face.

  He glanced out the window, his eyes landing on the vast blue green ocean. He smiled at the sight. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore soothing his frayed nerves.

"We're at the beach."

"Yes, we are. I thought it might do you good to just relax."

  The beach wasn't crowded, so he got out the jeep, stripping to his boxers. 

"I guess you're not shy anymore."

"I guess I'm more comfortable around you."

  He saw Aaron changed into a long sleeve swim shirt, keeping his back to him. He was bummed he wasn't going to see his naked chest today.

"Why are you wearing that shirt?"

"No reason."

"What about your wounds?"

"It's all good. I'm wearing waterproof bandages." Aaron took hold of his hand, and they walked down to the beach, Logan leading the way.

  The water felt warm against his toes, Logan reached down and scooped up a handful of water, aiming for Aaron's face. 

  He took off down the beach, laughing when he heard Aaron running after him. He let out a loud shout when strong arms wrapped around his waist, lifting him off the ground.

  Aaron carried him toward the shoreline, until he was waist deep in the water then let him down so he could stand on his feet.

"How are you feeling now?" Aaron asked him.

"I feel good." Logan closing his eyes, as he floated on his back. He wasn't lying when he told him that.

  This was exactly what he needed.

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