Chapter 130

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  The truck barreled to the other side of the intersection, trying to cut them off. But Harold gripped the steering wheel with both hands, reversing the car through traffic.

  Was this person trying to kill them in broad daylight?

  Logan pulled the seat belt tightly, before bracing his hands on the dashboard. He guess this is how Pete learned to drive.

  He quickly grabbed his phone and sent Kyle another message.

"Pawel, don't worry. We're going to have to divert for a bit. We can't lead them to the others." Logan told him.

"There are two persons in that truck."

"Brett hired these henchmen to get rid of you. Why wait until now?"

  A few seconds later, Logan's phone rang out. Kyle's name flashing on the screen. At the same time, he heard police sirens in the distance.

  With Harold trying to keep as much distance between them and the truck, he figured it was a pedestrian that had called the police department.

  Logan answered after the second ring. "Don't be angry with me."

"We're gonna talk when I get home."

"I thought you would be on your way with the other officers."

"Harold can handle himself."

  He was right about that.

"I'll explain everything to you later."

  He heard someone shouted out Kyle's name in the background.

"Look, I gotta go. I'll be waiting for you at home."


  Logan ended the call just as Harold jerked the wheel hard over, and side swiped the car driving in front of them.

"Pawel, take a look out the window."

  Pawel glance out the back window, then shook his head. "I don't see the truck anywhere. It's not behind of us."

"That's good."

  Harold eased off the gas. "The police intercepted them."

"How do you know?" Pawel asked.

  Harold pointed to his ear. "I'm wearing an earpiece."


  Logan craned his neck for a better look but still couldn't see anything.

"Kevin is waiting for us at another safe house."

"I don't want to leave my family again."

"You won't have to go anywhere."

"That's good."

"Kevin is being assigned to protect Pawel until we arrest Brett."

"How long will that be?"

"Hopefully, it won't be too long."

"Aaron, I need to change your bandages."

  Aaron glanced at Theo before taking off his shirt. "How long have I been here?"

"Three days."

  Aaron nodded his head. He already figured that he had been captured for more than two days.

  Theo stepped further into the room, and closed the door. He walked over to the desk to grab the first aid kit.

  Aaron sat on the edge of the bed, silently watching him.

"Turn around, let me see your back."

Theo walked over to him and without a word, cleaned the knife wound on his back. Aaron held back a wince at the pain.

"I'm sorry my brother is doing this to you. When he asked me to approach you, I had no idea he would treat you this way."

"It's fine." Aaron wince when he dabbed too hard at the flesh.

"Sorry, I'll try to be more gentle."

  Aaron's hands fisted the sheet at the pain but otherwise remained motionless.

"I've searched this room from top to bottom looking for any bugs or cameras."

"He didn't want to invade your privacy."

  Aaron highly doubted that Justin had any morals when it came to privacy.

  He probably didn't want anyone to see him naked. At least he was grateful for that.

"I need to leave this place. I can't keep fighting."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm going to help you."

  Aaron forgot about the pain as his head twisted to stare at Theo. His gaze roamed Theo's face searching for any deception.

"You would betray your own brother to help me?"

  Theo sighed, "He's not my real brother. It's a long complicated story."

"Okay." Aaron didn't ask him any questions.

"That's why I'm willing to help you."

"When do you want to do this?"

"Tonight is good for me. Justin is leaving tonight for a meeting. There won't be any security around. I've already gotten a car waiting for us."

"What would happen to you when Justin finds out you helped me escape?"

"Don't worry about me. He won't hurt me."

"I think you should come with me."


"Because I don't want you to get hurt."

"Even after learning that I helped my brother kidnapped you?"

"I know this may sound crazy but I actually consider you a friend."

"Oh," Theo's hand stilled for a moment. "I'll be back at eleven."

  Aaron nod his head to let him know that he would be awake.

"I'm done." Theo gathered the kit, placed it back on the table, then exited the room.

  Aaron pulled his shirt on then went over to the table. His hand drifted under the table to touch the knife he had managed to steal without anyone noticing. He wanted to be prepared for anything.




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