A good turn down (Taemin)

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He was a boy, she was a girl 

Can I make it anymore obvious? 

He was a punk, she did balletWhat more can I say? 

 It wasn't a secret that Taemin danced. Same as it wasn't a secret that ______ hated dance. Their worlds really never crossed but for a few hours a day. For school that was. He wanted her, she'd never tellSecretly she wanted him as wellBut all of her friends, stuck up their noseThey had a problem with his baggy clothesTaemin had secretly liked ______ ever since they had started high shcool and now they were almost done with it. But ______ would just glare at Taemin every time he got close to her. She wanted to return his feelings, but her friends looked down on him. His dancer life would never mean a stable life at all. Plus they hated the way he dressed. Taemin always dressed like he was ready for dance practice. Comfy sweats and a tank top. He never saw a problem with it. 

 He was a skater boy, she said, "See ya later boy"

 He wasn't good enough for her, 

she had a pretty faceBut her head was up in space 

She needed to come back down to earth 

One day, Taemin managed to catch _____ away from all her friends. He confessed what he felt and she harshly turned him down. A resolve rose in him that day. He vowed he'd be better than she could ever dream of a guy being one day. 

 Five years from now, she sits at home 

Feeding the baby, she's all alone

 She turns on TV, guess who she sees 

Skater boy rocking up MTV 

 A couple years after graduation, once Taemin was out dancing in the world, MTV asked him to come dance on a show. Seeing as he was preforming anyway, he agreed. ______ just happened to turn on the TV and saw him dance. His body moved like it was born to move that way.

 She calls up her friends, they already know 

And they've all got tickets to see his show 

She tags along, stands in the crowd

 Looks up at the man that she turned down

 ______ called her friends to see if they knew. It was no surprise that they already did. They were always on top of everything. The group bought tickets and stood in the crowd. They watched him dance and loved it. She couldn't believe that she had turned him down.

 He was a skater boy, she said "See ya later boy" 

He wasn't good enough for her, now he's a superstar 

Slamming on his guitar 

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

 Sorry girl, but you missed out 

Well, tough luck, that boy's mine now 

We are more than just good friends 

This is how the story ends 

But now I'm here. We had found each other while practicing and our relationship grew from there. He was shy at first and scared to love. But he told me about _____ and I told him I didn't want to be like that. He a big name dancer now and I'm not far behind.

 Too bad that you couldn't see 

See the man that boy could be 

There is more that meets the eye 

I see the soul that is inside

 He's just a boy and I'm just a girl 

Can I make it anymore obvious?

We are in love, haven't you heard 

How we rock each others world?

 I'm with the skater boy, I said "See ya later boy" 

I'll be backstage after the show,

 I'll be at a studioSinging the song we wrote

 About a girl you used to know 

 Now we've been together for a few years. We dance together whenever we can. To this day we have never seen or heard from ______. Guess she learned that she doesn't have a chance with Taemin. He's mine now and I'll fight tooth and nail for him. _______ never took the time to see what was deep inside. That caring soul. She turned down the best man ever. So this wans't my best one shot, but I ran out of ideas for it. I tried to do something that Taemin one shots don't do, but it went right back to dance. But I hope you guys like it. 

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