Poker Face (TaeHyung)

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Poker Face (TaeHyung)

Written by SandraHaegeman

My first day at this school... Great... (Please note the sarcasm)...

"Vivian Rose..." I told the desk lady for my schedule. She handed me my paper with a big smile across her face.

I look down at it as I make my way to first hour.

Soon I find myself on my butt. As I look up to see the wall I ran into, I find an atractive guy.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was walking..." We say at the same time.

"You must be new here?" He asked. "I'm TaeHyung..." He held his hand out to help me up.

"Thanks." I take his outstreatched hand and got up. He made no move to let go. "I'll be going now... Sorry for running into you..." I smiled as I pulled my hand. He still held it.

"I didn't catch a name..." He hinted.

"That's because I didn't say one." I quit pulling away and gave him a 'Get lost' look.

"Well, I didn't want to know your name anyway..." He let go. I walk the other way.

"Reverse psycology doesn't work on me..." I smile, knowing he wouldn't see it.

I find first hour and get to work being invisible.

"Hey..." His voice came from behind me. I ignored it and kept eating my lunch. "If you don't tell me your name, I'll have to make one for you..." He sat across from me. I still ignored him. "Aleumdaum... That's your name from now on..." He smiled. (Aleumdaum = Beauty)

"Leave me alone, TaeHyung." I said.

"You remembered my name..." He did a half-smirk.

I ignored him and went to the trash so I could get to my next class.

I enter the classroom and sit in the back and read a manga.

"Class, we have a new student... Vivian Rose joined today. Please, show her your best courtesy." The teacher proclaimed.

I hid my face as everyone looked back at me. Kill me now.

TaeHyung's POV:

"Class, we have a new student... Vivian Rose joined today. Please, show her your best cortesy."

I look back to see Her... Vivian... I smile. I'd call her V if it weren't my name in BTS...

I see Vivian up ahead of me and run up to see her. "Hey, Aleumdaum... AKA Vivian." I smiled.

She didn't show anything on her face. No sign of confusion or fear or even anger. She had an awesome poker face... That I will gladly break...

Vivian's POV:

Omo! He knows my name? How?

"So, you didn't know my name at lunch, so after lunch, somehow, you acuired my name... See, you're way to confident to wait to tell me that you know, so it had to be after lunch. Perhaps a class?" I say, still walking.

"The class right after lunch." He smiles.

That smile! No, keep to yourself, remember what happened the last time you let someone in... I reminded myself.

"If you dont mind, I'll be going now." I turned.

"But I do mind..." He pulled me back.

"Oh, it wasn't a question." I pulled against his hold.

"You're not the only person who can analyze someone by there actions... Why are you afraid to let people in?" He asked.

"I don't want to be a lab rat, Taehyung." I said calmly.

"Sorry to inconvienence you, but you've sparked my interest... You won't get away until I figure out the puzzle that is your mind..."

"You're a conceided jerk who wont take a hint on leaving a girl alone! You have autority issuse and you want to be in conrtrol all the time. You're used to getting what you want and you'll throw a fit if you dont. But let me tell you this... I'm not 'mommy' I don't care if you throw a fit." I tore from his grasp and ran.

I enter the school.. It's been a week and TaeHyung has left me alone. Yes, I've tried saying sorry only for it to fall on deaf ears.

I have to say, I didn't think he would be able to ignore me this long.

"TaeHyung!" I catch up to him. "Please, I know I struck a chord that's better left untouched, but please stop ignoring me!" I pleaded. "TaeHyung..."

"You were right..." He cut me off. "About everything you said about me... I don't know how you knew that when I didn't even know it, myself..." He said, finally looking at me.

"Sorry..." I said.

"Don't be... I needed the wake up call..." He smiled.

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"I didn't want to admit the truth I guess..."

"And what does that have to do with me?" I ask, now confused.

"I think I like you, Vivian..."

"TaeHyung... I... My dad has a job where he travels... I'll only be here for about a couple weeks..." I felt pained to say it.

"Sorry..." He said.

"For wh..." He pulled me against him and kissed me.

Three weeks later-

"Dad, I dont want to leave!" I pleaded.

"Sorry, Viv, but this one is the one to end all moves." He kissed my forehead.

"Dad! Please! I never beg, I always go willingly! Please, just this once, can we stay here." I asked.

"Vivian! I said 'no' and I meant it!" He put my stuff in the car.

"Vivian..." A breathless voice came. I turned to see TaeHyung.

"He wont let up... I'm leaving..." I frown. He pulls me into a hug. "Bye, TaeHyung..."

"I love you, Vivian..."

"Vivian! Let's go, we're going to miss our flight!" Dad called.

"Bye, Vivian...." He kissed me before I entered the car.

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