Just Friends? (Chen)

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Just friends? (Chen)

Written by AmberHansen8

"Hey _____! Wait up!" I heard a voice shout at me. 

I stopped and turned to see who it was. Yep. None other than Chen. My best friend and secret crush. We had known each other since kindergarten and I didn't want to ruin that. 

"Geez you're fast," Chen commented when he caught up to me. 

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"Yeah? So?"

Chen smiled and playfully hit my arm. "Um.....There's something I gotta tell ya."

"What is it? Out with it."

"You know the girl that sits behind us in science? Eun Bae."

"Um yeah. What about her?"

"I'm thinking about courting her."

That made my heart shatter right there. I couldn't let him see it though. "More power to you."

"But how? I mean what do girls like?"

"Well, each girl is different."

"Okay. In general then."

"Well, the usual flowers, chocolates, and maybe a teddy bear or some stuffed animal."

Chen smiled brightly. "Thanks. I'll see you later."

And he was off. Leaving me alone for the first time, but not the last time. I sighed and shook my head. I headed to a cafe by my house before heading home. I really needed a bubble tea. I ordered my usual chocolate bubble tea and waited for it to be ready. I looked around the cafe. It was pretty neutral-colored. It was all earthy tones. The walls were a really pretty shade of brown, it was almost a tan color. And the tables and seats were a matching shade of green. Two colors that normally don't go, but in the cafe, they somehow worked. When my bubble tea was ready I grabbed it and headed home. 

Once I was home, I slipped off my shoes and headed for my room. As usual, I was the only one at home. My mom was probably on yet another business trip. I wondered how long it would last as I threw my bag onto my bed. I sat down at my computer desk and booted my laptop up. I logged on to a chat site that all of my friends use. It took them a couple of weeks, but they made me make an account too. And to my luck, one of my friends was actually on. It was Xiumin. I private messaged him so no one else would know what we were talking about.

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