Piano Help (Henry)

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Piano Help  (Henry)

Written by AmberHansen8

You slam your hands down on the piano in a bit of anger. For days now you had been trying to play 'I would' by Henry and it just wasn't working. The hours you were spending practicing were going to waste. You groaned and started again. This time seemed to be going better so you kept playing until voices broke your playing. 

"I'm just going to check if it's in here," a man's voice called out. 

You growled and turned to confront whoever it was. A guy in a hoodie and sunglasses came into the room. He didn't seem to know you were there until you cleared your throat. That made his head snap your way. 

"I'm trying to play here," you inform him. 

He tilted his head to the side. "Okay. I'm looking for something here."

"I can't practice with you here. And I need to get back to work. I still have a long way to go."

"Mind if I help? I know how to play."

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Without waiting for your reply, he sat down on the bench next to you. A moment later, after looking at the sheet music, he was playing the song perfectly. Over the next almost three hours, he taught you the song. Thanks to him, you could now play the song almost as well as he did. When he had to go, he gave you a smile and left. You couldn't help but smile as you packed up your things. As you went out to the main room, you wondered who he was. A girl stopped you before you could leave the building. 

"Did you enjoy your little piano session with Henry oppa?" She sneered. 

"Henry?" You question. 

"The guy that helped you. And I do hope you enjoyed it cuz it's the last one you're getting. Henry oppa is mine. Back off!" She demanded before walking away. 

Henry? He had been the one teaching you the song? Well, that explained how he was able to play it so fast. 

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