Early Morning Fun (D.O.)

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"Wake up jagi," a soft voice commented. "Time to eat."

"Ugh go away," Ace answered. 

The bed she was laying on shifted. Ace mentally groaned. She knew she had no choice but to get up. Her boyfriend, Do Kyungsoo or D.O. as he wanted to be called, wouldn't leave her alone until she was up and had eaten something. Ace blinked a few times before rolling over and fully opening her eyes. 

"Okay already. I'm up," she groaned. 

D.O. smiled. "Finally. I'm going to go finish breakfast."

Ace nodded and pulled herself out of bed. She stretched and made her way out to the kitchen. She loved to watch D.O. cook. He seemed to be so in control of the kitchen and what all was happening in it. It was his domain for sure. He hardly let Ace go in there to cook things on her own. He was always more than happy to make something for her. Ace had no clue why, but she was feeling utterly playful. She spied the flour container sitting on the counter quite close to her. When D.O. wasn't paying attention, she grabbed a handful and playfully threw it at him. His movements froze and Ace was suddenly terrified. D.O. hated it when there was a mess in the kitchen. Even when he cooked, he cleaned up every mess he made as he made it. So needless to say, she was shocked when he turned and threw a handful of sugar back at her. 

"Oh it's on," Ace stated. 

"Really now?" D.O. quipped back. 

Ace grabbed a pot lid for a shield and threw some of what ever was in the bowl next to her at him. This went on for almost an hour. When they were down, both were covered in almost everything fromt the kitchen. Flour, sugar, cinnimon, even eggs. Anything they could get their hands on. The pair laughed and fell to the floor. D.O. patted Ace on her  head and she sneezed at the pepper that fell off her head. 

D.O. stood and picked Ace up. "Time to shower off."

The pair showered off and spent the day cuddled on the couch watching movies after they cleaned up the kitchen.  

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