Save Me (Sehun)

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Save Me (Sehun)
Written by AmberHansen8

*Your POV*

"You should just leave," a mighty familiar voice said. "No one wants you here anyway."

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I hid my tears and kept walking. This happened every day. Comments like that. But that was mild compared to what they usually do and say. And ironically, it was all because of a boy I knew. Sehun was his name. We had been best friends in elementary than in middle school, he just turned his back on me. And then he started to bully me. After he started it, others joined in. They called me everything under the sun.

"You should just go die," another voice called out.

Go die? That's what they wanted? Fine. Let them have their way. I walked to my class like nothing was wrong. And after my last class ended, I packed my things and left the school for the last time. 

*Sehun POV*

Aish! Why can't I stop thinking about her? It's been this way for me since middle school. And me being the coward I am, I can't confess. And right now, I was deeply worried about her. I had heard someone earlier tell her to just go die. As I neared my locker, I wondered if she would actually try it. When I opened my locker, a paper fell out. I knew it wasn't mine because it was a really pretty pale blue. I picked it up and looked to see what it said.


I really wish I could still call you a friend. All these years I needed you and you weren't there. And why did you have to start the bullying? My life was already hard enough with the way my home life was. But all this time I've put up with it and not said a word. But I can't deal with it anymore. I just can't. So this is my goodbye. I really wish we could have patched things up. Be like we were before. But we can't. I want to say I'm sorry, but I'm not. Goodbye Oh Sehun. 



I crumpled the paper up, threw it in my locker, and slammed the door. I had to find her. My heart hammered inside my chest as I raced to find ______. Where could she be? I paused in the middle of a park to catch my breath. Come on and think you idiot! Then I remembered a conversation we had back just before middle school. That was the first time she had tried this. And it was there she said she'd try again if she was to do it again. She said she'd go to our hidden spot along the river and do it there. I raced there. I knew I wasn't far. I just prayed she was still alive.

When I got there, my heart froze. _______ was lying there with a small blade in one hand and her other wrist was bleeding.

"_______!" I shouted.

I hurriedly took off my jacket. I didn't care if it was one of a kind. Her cling meant more than the stupid thing. I wrapped it around her wrist and pressed it against the cut. With my other hand, I called 911. I quickly told them where we were and what had happened. It didn't take them long to get there. They packed her into the ambulance and actually let me ride with them. But I rode up front with the driver so I'd be out of the way. However when we got to the hospital, I had to go in a different way. I had to wait for news too.

"Hey, you there boy!" A doctor shouted. "Did you bring in the girl?" I nodded. "What's blood type?"


"Are you willing to donate some blood for her?"

"Take as much as you need for her."

I followed the doctor and they set me up on a bed next to her. I winced when the stuck the needle in my arm. I don't know how long they were taking blood from me. But after they took the needle out, I passed out. 

*Your POV*




I blinked my eyes as I woke up. I was staring up at a white ceiling. Where the heck was I?

"Oh good. You're awake," a voice said.

I turned my head to see a doctor coming into the room.

"That boy called 911 when he found you. I've never seen someone as worried and freaked out as he was. The boy even offered us as much blood as we needed. If things go well, you should be out by tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll let you rest now," the doctor informed me and took his leave.

I looked over. Sehun! What? He was the one that found me? Why would he do that? I felt bad to see how pale he was and when I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. I turned away as he started to wake up. Then, because I didn't want to talk to him, I pretended to be asleep still. I heard him get up and could feel him touch my wrist.

"_______........please be okay. If I hadn't bullied you, you wouldn't be here now. I can't even say sorry. It doesn't begin to cover it. I guess I did it for a cover. Aish! Why do I have to be such a coward? I can't even say how I feel. But, even if you can't hear me right now, it's time to tell. _______, I really like- no wait, I love you. I don't think I could live without you. But I'll leave you be. I'll let you live a life of peace. Goodbye ______," I heard Sehun say.

He kissed my forehead and turned to leave. My mind quickly processed what he said. Sehun liked me? The one and only Oh Sehun liked me? I bolted up and managed to catch his arm before my head started to hurt.

"______! Lay back down please!" Sehun just about demanded.

He helped me lay back down and stood there almost awkwardly.

"Why couldn't you just tell me?" I quietly asked.

Sehun's eyes widened. "You heard all that?"

I nodded. He looked down at his feet.

"How do you know I don't feel the same way?" I asked.

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