Finally gets the girl (Sehun ft Kris)

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Sehun walked into the school, his steel toed boots thudding on the floor. He really didn't want to be at the stupid place, but he had once reason for coming. And, as always, it was a girl. Sehun looked up and caught sigh of her at the end of the hall. She had slightly curled her long black hair and prefectly framed her brown almost black eyes. The girl was the only bright spot in his life. Sehun was about to go and talk to her when he saw Kris walk up to her. He ruffled his hair, which was dyed white, and walked away from them. Kris was his rival. Sehun knew Kris liked ________. It wasn't hard to see. Kris made it plain as day. The pair had been in a battle of sorts over her. They both knew the other liked _______, but niether had the courage to confess just yet. Sehun bit his lip in thought as he sat in class. He didn't care what the teacher was saying, it didn't matter at all to him. 

"Sehun!" He heard a voice shout. 

He spun around to see ______ chasing him down. "Hey."

"Where have you been all morning?"


_______  pouted and Sehun wished she wouldn't. "You never give straight answers."

"That's just part of me," Sehun answered, sticking out his tounge at her. 

She playfully glared at him and headed off to her next class. Since Sehun didn't feel like attending his next class, he went out to the foot ball field and relaxed on the blenchers. He stretched out under the warm sun. It was all perfect until he heard thudding boots coming up to him. Sehun sat up and glared at the owner of them. 

"The heck do you want?" Sehun demanded. 

"Stay away from ________," Kris snapped back. 

"I ain't gotta listen to you."

"Stay away from her."

"Why should I? Cuz you like her? News flash, that doesn't mean I'll stay away. Just means I'll try harder to make her mine."

Kris couldn't contain his anger anymore and lunged towards Sehun. Thankfully the pair wasn't high up on the blenchers so when they fall back onto the grass, they didn't hurt themselves. Sehun, after a few minutes, managed to push Kris off him and jumped to his feet. He was enraged that Kris would attack him like this. Both knew that the winner of the fight would most likely end up with ________. The two went at each other. They didn't know for how long until a voice broke them apart. 

"Stop it you two!" A familiar voice shouted. 

They both stumbled back and looked at her. 

"Make a choice _______. It's either him or me. It's plain as day that we both  like you," Sehun said. 

______'s eyes widened and she ran a hand through her hair. They both liked her? This was a twist she didn't see coming. Maybe everyone did, but not her. She stared at the pair and watched Sehun sway on his feet a bit. His body wasn't liking the fact Kris was able to throw a few injuiring punches. ______ ran forward without thinking to catch him before he fell. She helped him sit on the ground as she remembered something. Kris always got the girl and Sehun was always left behind. It didn't matter the girl, Kris always came out on top. 

_______ spun around to face Kris. "You just can't let him win can you? Do you know how depressing it is to watch the person you like be with someone else other than yourself? No you wouldn't. You always bully Sehun and make it so you come out on top! So my choice is him. It's like I don't even know you."

Kris' eyes widened in shocked, but he composed himself and walked away. ______ just about flung herself into Sehun's arms. He groaned and she pulled back. 

"Let's get you to the nurse," ______ commented. 

Sehun tried to chuckle, but the pain wasn't agreeing with him. But all of the pain was worth it. He had finally got the girl and come out on top. 

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