Welcome to my World (Minho)

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Welcome to my World (Minho)

Written by AmberHansen8

***Warning: some rude and possibly offensive words in this one. Reader be warned.***

*Minho POV*

"What is this? Ew. And is this what I think it is? How can you even spend a day in this place?"

"Disgusted?" She asked. 

"Yeah. Who wouldn't be?"

"People who grew up like me. Welcome, my friend, to my world."

I thought back to class and why she had been so hesitant to go to her house. She asked if we could use my house for our class project, but I denied it. My house was always so noisy so we wouldn't be able to get any work done. I watched as _______ tried to find another place for us to work. But no place was either quiet enough or open long enough for us to get any work done. I was wondering why she didn't want to go to her place. But now I knew. 

"Sorry for the mess. I try to keep it clean, but my dad makes it hard," she told me. 

"Makes it hard?" 

"It's due to my dad."

"How so? And I'm not going to tell."

"Well all he does is drinks all day. In fact, he's probably at a bar right now. And the messes he makes, he doesn't clean up. I try to keep this place clean, but it never works."

"What about your mom?"

"She passed away five years ago."

That one made me feel worse for all the teasing the kids at school did to her. But she took all of it and didn't cry. At least not while she was at school. 

"I'll get drinks and snacks if you want to wait in my room, it the last room at the very end of the hall. Just straight back. It's the one with the blue angel on it," ______ told me as she went to the kitchen. 

I watched her for a moment before heading for her room. I was shocked when I opened the door. Her room was the cleanest place in the entire house. I sat my bag on the floor by her bed and looked around. There were pictures of her and a woman who I was guessing was her mom on the wall. ______ looked so happy in them. Like a different person. I had a few memoires of her from back then. Had her mom's death had that big of an impact on her. My eyes moved from the pictures to her desk. A bottle of pills drew my attention. At a closer look, I realized I knew the bottle. Anti-depressants. My mom had been on the same thing for a bit after my dad left. But why was ________ taking them? I shook my head and sat on the floor by my bag. It was just in time too. ________ came into the room at that moment with a tray of soda and cookies. 

"Not the healthiest snack in the world but it will do," She told me as she set the tray between us. 

I took a cookie off the tray and nibbled on it. "Did you make these?"

"I did."

"They're really good."

She blushed a bit and we got down to work. After about five hours, we heard the front door open. _______'s head snapped up. A look of worry entered her face. 

"Not now," she whispered. 

We heard heavy footsteps on the floor before the door flung open. A man old enough to be her dad came into the room. His clothes were dirty and he smelled of beer. His eyes searched the room until he saw us. 

"Sleeping with boys already? Turning into a slut?" He demanded. 

When she didn't answer, he moved to slap her. I jumped in front of her and took the hit for her. That's when I noticed she was tembling and crying. Anger surged through me. I jumped to my feet and turned to face him. 

"Get the hell outta my way boy," he demanded. 

I stood my ground and didn't move an inch. He glared at me and punched me. I stumbled back a step, but still stood in front of ________. I moved my jaw to make sure it wasn't broken and wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth before he punched me again. I growled in anger. This had gone on long enough. I swang at him with my hardest punch and he went down like a sack of bricks. I checked to make sure he was out before turning to ________. 

"Pack two or three bags. You're coming to stay with me. We can come back later for the rest," I softly told her. 

It took a minute for her to start moving. But I just sat on the bed as she raced around the room, throwing things into the bags she had set up beside me. When she was done, she stopped in front of me. 

"Done?" I asked. 

She nodded. "And I don't need to come back. I have everything packed."

_______ had everything she owned packed into four bags? That was everything she had? I nodded and we took the bags out to my car. We threw them in the trunk and hopped in. Ten minutes later, we were at my place. I walked her in. 

"Who is this?" My mom asked.

I kissed her cheek like I always did. "This is _________. She's gonna stay in the guest bedroom."

My mom gave me a questioning look like she wanted to know why. That's when everything that had happened, came tumbling out of me. My mom's eyes widened when she heard the story and quickly ushered ________ into the guest room. I smiled and went out to get her bags. By the time I got them to the guest room, ________ was peacefully sleeping on the bed. I set the bags at the foot of the bed and studied her a moment. I closed the curtains and turned to her. I kissed her forehead and covered her up before leaving the room. We would make this work. I never wanted her to have to go back to that hell hole she had called home. 

"Son," my mom called when I got to the kitchen. 

"Yeah mom?"

"You do realize that she's staying right?"

"Yep," I answered before grinning and going to my room. 

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