Him (Suga)

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Ana clutched her notebook. Today was her first day at a new school. She had to move because her mom's job had transfered her mom to a new location. She bit her lip as she entered the office.

"And who are you miss?" The office lady asked.

"Ana Corwin," she quietly answered.

"Oh! You're the new girl," the lady told her. " I'm Mrs. Bell. Here's your schulde and a map."

Ana thanked her and left. She paused a bit away to look at her schedule.

First Math Mr. Hoggard

Second English Mrs. Headrick

Third Art Mrs. Ambrose

Fourth Earth Science Mr. Cibata


Fifth P.E. Mr. Gibson

Sixth Photography Mr. English

Easy enough classes. Ana took a deep breath and headed off for her first class. Much to her dismay, class had already started. And the teacher mad her introduce herself. Not to mention that the only empty seat was by a group of guys that all the girls seemed to be staring at. This day was just starting out to be so much fun for Ana. The boys, who had been whispering to each other, quieted down when Ana got close.

"Hey I'm Jin," one said.

"And I'm Jimin," another said.

Ana glanced at them and then went back to her notes. The two boys, who happened to be twins, pouted. They looked to their leader, Rap Monster as he was called. Rap Monster's real name was Namjoon, but the entire school knew how well he rapped, thus earning the nickname. Rap Monster glanced at Ana. There had to be a way to get her to talk. They all had an interest in her. Well all but Suga. He hadn't taken any interest in girls since a couple years ago.

When the bell rang, Ana quietly packed her things and headed for her next class. English was a stronger point for her than math ever had been. She again had to introduce herself and finally got to take her seat after an awkward few moments in front of the class. Ana's luck seemed against her again as she was seated by one of the guys from the group that was in her math class. But this one completely ignored her. It was like she was invisible. Ana brushed it off and focused on what the teacher was saying. The class ended up flying by. When the bell rang, the boy next to her, packed his things and left. Ana raised a brow, but went on.

Her art and earth science classes were free of those boys. Ana breathed a sigh of relief and forced herself to pay attention to the lessons. Art was really boring. Just some baisc background stuff on the unit they would be studying in class. But her science class interested her. They were going to be going over volcanoes. Ana had always had an interest in those. So it was no surprise to her that her science class just flew by and it was time for lunch.

Ana had gotten smart this time and packed her own lunch. She picked a shady, grassy spot under a tree and opened her lunchbox. She was just about to start eating when a familiar group of boys came running up to her.

"We thought it was you," Jin stated.

"But we weren't too sure," Jimin finished.

With this said, they all took seats around her and began eating their own food.

One saw Ana's schedule peaking out from her bag and pulled it out. "Hey! Not fair!" He softly exclaimed.

"What is it V?" one asked.

"Well, she has most of her classes with Suga. We only have her for one," V answered.

Suga? He must be the one from math class, Ana thought.

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