Forgive Me (Taemin)

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 It was time. I'd fought against it for so long, but I'd lost all hope now. All I ever wanted was for him to be there. But all he ever did was focus on his career. To be the best of his group. To shine above them all. To everyone else, he had already done that and so much more, but for him it wasn't good enough. Who is him? The one and only Lee Taemin. More commonly known as the maknae of SHINee. I glanced at the clock for the millionth time. It was almost two in the morning. I knew deep down that he wouldn't be coming home any time soon, but part of me hoped he would. I understood that a kpop idol lived a busy life, but even the girlfriends of the other members saw their boyfriends more than I saw my own.

I bit my lip as I looked around the place. It seemed empty. Completely void of life. I was the only one living here and never wanted to make a mess in case Taemin came home. I always wanted him to come home to a clean house and a good meal. But he almost never came home. When we started out, it was never like this. He never wanted to leave home. Taemin always clung to me. But now everything had changed. He rarely came home. And he always had to practice. Always had to one up himself. If he did something that had a huge wow factor, how could he do it even better next time. I understood that he couldn't tell the fans about us. None of SHINee let it leak that they were taken.

As I thought things through, a resolve built in me. I had to get out of here. I just couldn't stay anymore. I went to the room and pulled out the two suitcases I owned and quickly packed them. If there was any chance of him coming home tonight, I wanted to be gone before he got here. After throwing the basics in the suitcases, I sat down to write a note out.


I had to go. I seriously love you and fought for us. But I just can't do it anymore. I've tried so hard to hold onto what was left, but there wasn't anything left to hold onto.

I left the note on the coffee table and left the apartment. I took a cab to a hotel across town. Tomorrow I would sort everything out, but for now I just needed sleep.

*Three Months Later*

"In this report, Lee Taemin, a member of SHINee is still inactive. Rumor says he is on a break from promoting with the group. No one knows when he will return," the news anchor said.

At that point, I flipped off the TV. Why was Taemin still missing. It wasn't like he cared much. When he first disappeared everything thought he had injured himself and was taking time off to heal. But days turned into three months. To get my mind off things, I decided to go the top of Namsan Tower and look at the locks. Maybe see if I could find the ones Taemin and I put up there.

Half hour later I was there. Only then did I realize how hard it would be to find just one pair of locks. Man I had forgotten how many were up here. Not to mention all that had been added since we had been up here. After almost two hours of looking, I found the locks. The unique bright blue locks. Well the color had faded over time, but the words were still there. My mind went back to when we promised each other we would come back here after we were married and try to find our locks. But life had other plans. Come to think of it I never saw what Taemin had written on the lock. He promised I would see when we came back.

"I may not be perfect. But I know that I love you. And that will stand through time. I will mess up and have faults, but I hope you can see my love through that. Forever and always," a shakey voice said from behind me.

My eyes widened and I turned around. Taemin not the least bit disgused stood there. People were watching, but he didn't seem to care.

"It pains me that I was so blind to you hurting. I was so wrapped up in everything I was doing that I couldn't see your need. I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. But if you forgive me, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I want to be that man that you want me to be," he vowed.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I couldn't stop myself from running to him. Taemin stumbled back but managed to stay standing. I could feel a wetness on my neck and knew he couldn't hold in his emotions either. I heard him sniffle before he pulled back.

"Saranghae," he whispered before kissing me. 

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