Do You Remember (XiuChen)

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Do You Remember (XiuChen)

Written by AmberHansen8


  Xiumin took a deep breath as he walked onto the school campus. It was his old school. The boy hadn't been on the grounds for two years. Him and his entire family had moved due to his dad's job and now he was back. Xiumin wondered if his friends would remember him at all. He had gotten taller, dyed his hair, and thinned up a bit. He gathered what courage he could and headed for the office. 

"Here is your schedule and a map of the school," the office aid said. 

Xiumin gave a small bow in thanks and left. He looked at the schedule. Math was first. He barely used the map of the school since he remembered almost everything about the school. When he got to the class, he was the first one there. Xiumin sighed and pulled out a book. About five minutes later, the classroom door opened again. Xiumin didn't bother looking up and countined to read. 

"It can't be," he heard a voice say. 

This caused him to look up. Standing in front of him was Tao, an old friend. Xiumin was shocked to see him. Well, more shocked to see that he had dyed his black hair a blonde color. 

"Um....hi," Xiumin said. 

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"You're back?"

"Kinda looks that way."

"But why?"

"My dad's job transferred him back here."

"I'm glad you're back."

"Xiumin?" A new voice questioned. 

He looked up to see Kris there. He had blonde colored hair too. Was this becoming a thing now?

"Hiya," Xiumin greeted. 

Kris slightly smiled and went to Tao's side. Xiumin noticed their closeness. A couple?

"It happened about a month or two after you left," Tao said as if he knew what Xiumin was thinking.

"Um....what about him?" Kris asked. 

"Who?" Xiumin replied. 

"Chen. Your leaving hit him the hardest," Kris informed him. 

Xiumin didn't have a chance to answer due to the door opening yet again. This time a sharp gasp was heard. Xiumin looked up as a bag fell to the floor. There, in front of Xiumin, stood Chen. Even he looked good. Reddish brown hair and what seemed to be a new style. Chen didn't waste another moment. He grabbed his bag and bolted. Xiumin shoved everything into his bag and raced after him. He knew he had to explain everything to him. Chen was the one person he really didn't have a chance to tell everything before he left. Xiumin began to look everywhere for Chen. After almost an hour of looking, Xiumin still couldn't find the boy. 

"Oh look. The nerd is back," someone said. 

Xiumin turned around to see the same group of boys that had bullied him two years ago. He tried to leave, but more of the group blocked his way. One of the boys pushed Xiumin to the ground and another kicked him as soon as he was down. The blows continued to rain down for a few minutes before a voice stopped them. 

"What are you doing!" Someone shouted. "Leave him alone!"

"Why is a kinga protecting a nerd?" One of the group sneered. 

"I really do suggest you stop," the person said.

Xiumin managed to sit up enough to see what was going on. It was Chen who was protecting him. 

"Or what?" Another boy asked. 

Xiumin watched as the rest of his friends filled in around Chen. 

"I got them," Chen announced. 

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This seemed to frighten the boys enough so they left. With quite a bit of trouble, Xiumin stood as Chen turned to leave. 

"Wait!" Xiumin weakly called out. Chen stopped but didn't turn around. "Do you think it was my choice to leave? Do you really think I wanted to leave? Everything I know and love is here. All I wanted was to be here. Why can't you understand how I feel? When I left, I was sure that I liked you, but now, I think I love you."

As Chen spun around, Xiumin blacked out and fell to the ground. Chen rushed forward to catch him and barely made it in time. He brought the boy up to the nurse's office and stayed with him. After three hours, Xiumin finally woke up. 

"Why couldn't you tell me how you felt before?" Chen quietly asked. 

Xiumin looked at his hands that lay in his lap. "I never thought you'd feel the same way."

"Well I did and your leaving crushed me."

"How do you feel now?"

Chen put a hand on Xiumin's cheek and raised his head so their eyes met. "I love you too."

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