Roomates (TaoBaek)

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Roomates (TaoBaek)

Written by AmberHansen8

***This one uses Minecraft terms. If you don't know them, then Google them.***

They say it's bad for roomates to fall in love with each other. That it causes a lot of problems. But they never tell you what to do if you have. No one ever tells you what to do if you fall in love. And you're reallly stuck if it's with another guy. But I couldn't stop myself before I started to feel something for my roomate. His name is Huang ZiTao. But he goes by Tao. Most of the time he spends his time at a local Wushu dojo. I hardly go to the place because, honestly, it scares me a bit. I mean, I'm small for a Korean guy and not to mention way smaller than the guys that go there. And, it was as if Tao knew that I was scared of that place. Never once had he asked me to go there. 

"Baek!" I heard someone shouted. 

I snapped back to the present. "Yeah?"

"I've been calling your name for almost ten minutes," Tao told me. 

My heart skipped a beat. "Sorry."

"What the heck are you thinking so heavy about?"

"Don't remember."

"Wanna do something today?"

Cuddle. " games?"

"Sure. Which one?"

"How about we just play Minecraft?"

Tao smiled and I about lost it. I was thankful when he went to turn the X-Box on. Minecraft was a boring game sometimes, but I liked it more than the others we usually played. I shook my head and went to get us some drinks and snacks. By the time I got back, Tao had already put the seed word in to start the world and was clearing an area. 

"What did you use as the seed word?" I asked.

"Um.." Tao stuttered. 

I grabbed my controller and raised an eyebrow. Tao never stutters. I dropped it and we began to really play. After about three hours, we had a house made of diamond and nether brick half way completed. It really helps to play on creative mode. It took us about another hour and a half to finish the house. We decided to each have our own floor to do whatever we wanted with. Tao chose the basement (probably so he could build tunnels) and I chose the top floor. I was thinking about adding an attic. So, while I built my attic, Tao built his tunnels. By the time we paused for lunch, we were half way done. We ordered pizza and got back to playing until the pizza shouted up. 

When I had finished the building the attic, it was time to decorate it. I put a few bookshelves in one corner and added a table. On the other side of the room, I put everything I would need to craft. A crafting table, furence, spell book, and even a coldren full of water. I threw a few painting on the walls and the room was complete. I almost left the room before I remembered that I had forgotten to do something about the lighting. I thought about putting torches, but glowstone seemed better and looked a bit nicer. I put a couple glowstone blocks in each corner and in the middle of the room. Once I was satisfied, I went back down to the level where my room would be. The level that was still mine. I put a sky blue carpet down before doing anything. Then worked on getting the bed into place and poked through what I could add to the room. I ended up just adding a jute book. When I turned around, Tao's character was standing right behind mine. I hadn't been paying much attention to what he had been doing at all. 

"So where too?" Tao asked. 

I didn't get a chance to answer because the pizza arrived. While Tao payed, I began to build a nether portal. We paused the game so we could eat. 

"Do you think we could manage to build a gated area for animals?" I asked. 

"I don't see why not. I mean if we can build a nether portal, we can build that," Tao answered. 

I grinned and clean up our mess. I brought the plates to the kitchen as our friends that practically lived with us got in. Chanyeol picked up my controller and poked around. Somehow he found the seed word. 

"I love Baek? Who the heck did the seed word?" He questioned.

I heard him from the kitchen and almost dropped the plate I was holding. Did Tao love me? Or was that some random thing he used. 

"Shut it!" I heard Tao hiss. "He might hear you."

"Wait....if you confess to him....that means you two would probably share a room and Chen and I could take the room you have now," Chanyeol said. 

I rolled my eyes and continued to rinse the plates off. I was in no rush to get back in there. 

"Just shut it guys," I heard Tao tell them. This time, his voice was closer. 

I looked out of the corner of my eye and say him enter the kitchen. I blushed, but kept my eyes on my work. Tao peered at my face. I could almost feel his face drop. He groaned and went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. He uncapped it and chugged half of it as if he was trying to calm himself. 

"You heard that didn't you?" Tao quietly asked. It was so quiet, I almost didn't hear it. 

"Um....uh...." I stuttered. 

"I'll just go to my room now," Tao said. 

As he passed me, I spun around and threw my arms around him. I may have forgotten that my hands were soapy and wet. Tao wrinkled his nose when my hands came into contanct with his back. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking down at me. 

"Stopping you."


"Walking away."

"Um, okay?"

"Tao, you guessed that I might freak if I heard. You guessed at what I might do. You guessed at what I feel. And, let me tell you, you stink at guessing."

Tao's head snapped to look at me. Deciding to be bold, I stood on my tippy toes, and kissed him. I could feel him smile into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around me. Chen came into the kitchen and stopped. Chanyeol was there a moment later and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. 

"Yay! We get to move into the bedroom," Chanyeol cheered. 

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