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"I'm back, Becs." Chloe walked in, carrying a grocery back.

"Hey, you'll never guess who the pizza guy was."

"Karl. What did he say to you this time?"

"He was actually pretty nice. He said he didn't know I had a baby, and congrats, and then he said he didn't know I had a husband, so I had to explain that, and it was hear for me, but he said his girlfriend left him and that he was sorry."

"Well that was nice of him."

"I'm going to feed Harper and put her to bed. Save me some pizza."


Beca fed Harper and put her to bed. Chloe had saved her three slices, but Beca barely ate one. "Becs, what's wrong? You love pizza."

"I'm trying to watch what I eat so I can lose the baby weight."

"Please eat, Becs. I'll watch Harper and you can work out next week."

"I'm not hungry."

"Are you upset about something?"

"I miss Jesse ok. I'm never going to see him again, and it sucks. I loved him more than anything, and now I'm never going to see him again because of something I did."

"You didn't do anything."

"Yes I did. I disagreed with everything he said, forcing him to leave."

"Becs, you were pregnant and crabby, and he can't blame you for that. He should have been more understanding."

"I know, but I should have taken his opinion into account. I get that I was in a bad mood, but I didn't even listen to him."

"It's ok, Becs."

"I can't live with myself knowing my daughter won't know her father. It's killing me."

"She'll know her aunt Chloe if that helps."

"It doesn't, but thanks. I'm gonna go work on some music. Save my pizza. I might feel like eating later."

"Ok, Becs."

Chloe went outside and called Jesse.

Hey Chloe.

Jess, Beca needs you to meet your daughter. She's so upset about it, and I don't know what to do. She won't let it go, and she feels like it's her fault.

What am I supposed to do. I can't just show up.

Yes you can and you will. She's so upset about it. This is supposed to be a happy time for her, and she's so sad. She's burst into tears 3 times today.

Fine. I'll try to come over tomorrow. I'm still in New York working on a movie.

Ok. I won't tell her. Make it a surprise.

Ok. Bye Chlo.

Chloe was smiling wide as she walked into the house. Beca didn't hear Harper crying over her headphones. Chloe picked up the baby and cradled her until Beca finished the song. "Hey, Chlo, I'm going to feed her, and then she won't be ready to go back to sleep, so I think we should go to the mall and get some stuff for the nursery we have yet to work on."

"Ok. But first you have to eat something."

Beca rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll eat. I just have to change first."

Beca came out of her bedroom wearing a baggy tee shirt and jeans. Chloe eyed her friend and then spoke up. "Beca, why are you wearing that?"

"Because I'm not skinny enough for tank tops."

"Beca, listen to me right now. Go put on a tank top and a pair of skinny jeans or so help me god, I will...."

"Fine," Beca said.

She came out of her room a minute later. "I don't like this, Chlo."

"I don't care. You look fine, you're just too self conscious."

Beca ate her pizza, and she put Harper in her carrier.

Harper would not stop crying. Beca tried to calm her while Chloe shopped. "Chlo, I don't know what her problem is!" Beca looked worried.

"Well she is your daughter, and you hate shopping, so...."

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"It's a baby store, there are so many kids crying in here."

"I'm going to go change her."

"Ok. I'll be in here."

Just as Beca walked away, Chloe bumped into Jesse. "What the hell are you doing here?!?"

"I thought I could get a few things for Beca."

"You can't let her see you. It's supposed to be a surprise."

"I'll go. Where will you not be?"

"She's not going in any clothes stores, that's for sure."

"Ok. I'll get her something there. What size is she?"

"4 I think. She thinks she's fat now, so try to boost her self esteem a bit. Now go before she sees you."

Beca walked back into the store with a smiling Harper. "Ok, we're all good."

Chloe looked down at the baby. "She has your smile."

"I know she does. The only thing that's different is her hair color." Harpers hair was a dark blonde color. "I love though. It's gorgeous."

"So I have some wall decals, a rocking chair, and a changing table."

"I think we're good." 

Chloe bought the items, and an employee helped them carry the stuff to the car. "Thanks so much Chlo. That must have cost a fortune. I'm going to pay you back when I have the money."

"Becs, it's fine. I promise. You're going through so much, it's the least I can do."

"My concert is this Saturday. I don't know what I'm going to do with Harper. I can't cancel on those girls again."

"Me and Anna will sit backstage with her."

"I want my girls to meet her though."

"She can hang out during the meet and greet."

"Ok. That works."

Chloe pulled into the drive way. "Get some sleep. I'll do the midnight feeding, and then you can do the 3am one."

"Chlo it's only 9:30. Let's watch a movie. Soon, we won't be able to do this anymore."

"Ok. Let's watch Cake."

"Sounds good."

Beca sat on the couch, cradling Harper in her arms. Chloe popped in the DVD. "Oh my god that looks just like you," Chloe pointed to the main character, Nina.

"Yeah it does."

Beca fell asleep within 20 minutes, so Chloe took the baby and held her until she fell asleep. "It's ok, Harper, sweetie. Aunt Chloe loves you. Mommy just fell asleep." Chloe loved her niece more than anything. She bottle fed her at midnight and 3am, letting Beca sleep. This would probably be the most sleep she'd ever get. Chloe decided to sleep on the couch too, so the baby would be in the same room as her. Chloe was excited for the next day. She wanted Beca to be in a good mood the next day.

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