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"Hey baby sister." My annoying brother came up behind me, resting his chin on my head.

"Don't call me that." I roll my eyes and elbow him in the stomach. He groans and falls to the floor.

I laugh and continue playing Plants VS Zombies on my laptop. Kendall gets up and sits next to me.

"Sissssssyyyyyyyyyy." He poked my cheek, making me jump and drop my laptop. I shoot him a glare and pick it up.

YOU LOSE, appears on the screen. I groan. "Kendall you made me lose!"

"Sorry Kat." He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. It was a kind of awkward position since he was still sitting next to me. I couldn't move my left arm and he had my right shoulder in his grasp.

I shrugged him off. "When's mom coming to visit?"

He shrugged. "I don't know." The doorbell rang. He got up and went to answer the door. I rolled my eyes, I know exactly who it is.

Yelling, from the other room confirmed my answer. Great! With all four of them here, I won't be able to read on Wattpad! Most of the stories I have in my library is about five seconds of summer. Honestly, Calum is my favorite. Ugh that boy! My brother and his friends hate them. And when I say hate I mean with a passion!

"Katara!!!!!!!!" I groan.

"What the hell do you want Carlos?!" All four guys come in. Carlos frowns at me. I roll my eyes and close my laptop.

"Where's your wife?" I glare at him. His eyes gloss over. Kendall glares at me. I shrug. Me and Carlos had this thing but then he got married soooooooo....

"Out with her friends." Carlos sits next to me. Kendall sits next to Carlos and Logan sits next to him. I had to sit on my brother's lap. James jumps up on the table.

"Remember a few years ago?" We all looked at him weird. He sighed. "That audition I wanted to go to?" We all nodded then laughed at the memory.

Logan cleared his throat making all of us look at him. "Let's sing one of our songs. Ya know for old times sake." They all look at me.

"Play for us?" James gives me puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine." They all cheer. Kendall puts me on Carlos's lap. He runs out, I bet to get my guitar. I laugh. This is going to be fun!

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now