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We arrive at the beach house. It's been awhile since I've been in a bikini but, the other girls talked me into it. I don't have the best body so I'll just wear one of Calum's shirts over it and work on a tan.

"So, what does this beach house look like?" Nicole asks.

"Oh, it's just beautiful! You'll see it when we get there. It has a balcony, fire pit, and a hot tub!"

"Cool. Can't wait." She smiles.

A few hours later

"We're here!" Kendall shouts, waking everyone up.

"Cal? Cal, babe. Come on wake up." I nudge his head. We were asleep, him laying on my chest. He wakes up, startled. "We're here Calum."

"Oh." He wipes some drool off his mouth.

"Aw gross Cal!" I wipe his drool off my chest.

"S-sorry." His cheeks flush a light pink.

We all get out of the car. The others take in the Schmidt's beach house.

"See? Told you it was beautiful." I giggle.

"Man, your family is rich!" Calum's eyes widen.

I laugh. "Actually we were pretty poor until Big Time Rush." I shrug.

"Well, now I feel like an ass." He facepalms.

"Awwww babe." I kiss his cheek. "Let's go inside and unpack."

We'll be staying for a month. Kendall and Logan called in and got the vacation time. Blake, Nicole, and I got some vacation time but we'll have to work double shifts for awhile. Calum just took off, I hope no one thinks he was kidnapped. James just tagged along. No one could get ahold of Carlos..

"This place is amazing." Nicole gasp.

I laugh. "Wait until you see the rooms."

"Alright. I'll show you guys your rooms." Kendall leads the others away.

"Well, I never expected you, of all people, to have a beach house!"

I roll my eyes. "Get the kids." I grab my bag and head up the winding stair case. I hear Cal groan but, eventually, his heavy tred behind me.

I wind my way through the second floor, relieing on my memory to help me find my old room.

"Kaaaaaat, slow down!" Calum whines.

I roll my eyes. "Caaluum hurry up!"

He groans but follows. I hate to admit it, but I feel bad for the guy. He has to carry the kids in their carseats, a duffle bag, and manage to follow me threw these winding hallways. Eh, I'll make it up to him later.

"FOUND IT!" I squeal.

"Finally!" He jokes.

I giggle and we go inside. It's not like the my room at home. It's pretty plain. The walls, floor, and ceiling are white. The bed is black with gray sheets and comforter. There's a floor to ceiling window that opens so I can walk out onto the balcony.

I immediately go out on the balcony. If I look down I can see the fire pit and some chairs. If I look straight I can see the beach outstreach into the ocean.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now