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Calum takes me upstairs.

Liana is on the floor with a bloody nose and everyone is crowded around.

Calum runs to her and helps her up. He takes her to the couch and everyone stares at him like he's gone mad. Well, they're not wrong.

"What is happening?" James holds Nicole closer.

Nicole says she had punched Liana in her nose.

"Why was she here in the first place?" Logan looks between me and Calum.

I sigh and Calum explains everything.

"You dumbass! What are ya thinking?!" Blake has to hold Kendall back.

"Ken, calm down." I sigh.

But he keeps going. "Kat should be with someone who loves her and will care for her! Like Taehyung!"

Everyone goes silent.

Slowly, everyone turns to me.

I look at my hand, studying the diamond and sapphire engagement ring on my finger. I slowly slide it off and walk over to Calum. I take his hand and put the ring into his palm, closing his fingers around it.


I give him a sad sort of smile. "You go on with your life. I'll be a single mother."

I step back, turn on my heal, and go back to my room.


We all stand there in silence.

"Did, did, she just dump me?" Calum stammers.

We all nod slowly.

I cross my arms and smirk. "Well, I can't say I blame her."

Blake hits my arm. "Kendall!"


Liana puts her hand on his shoulder. Her nose has finally stopped bleading.

I see Nicole smirk.

I'm glad she took action against Liana. Even if she dosn't know the whole story.

"Cal, let's just go." Ash sighs.

They got here as soon as Calum and Liana went to Kat's room.

Calum sighs and nods. "Okay. Come on Liana." He takes her wrist and pulls her out the door.

They door slams shut and they're all gone.

I can't help but laugh.

After a minute everyone joins in.

Kat comes back upstairs and we immediately stop laughing.

She looks at all of us.

Blake and Nicole go to her and they all hug.

Blake leads them downstairs, leaving me, James, Carlos, Logan, and Taehyung alone.

I sit on the couch.

"S-should I go?" Taehyung looks awkward.

We all shrug.

"Maybe." Logan sits next to me.

Taehyung nods. "Let me know when she's okay." He grabs his jacket and leaves.

"She'll never be okay. She just lost the most important person to her and the babies," James mumbles.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now