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"Why was he there?!"

Blake shrugs and Taehyung pulls me to him. I feel instant comfort.


We pull up to a club. I see Ashton's car and Kendall's.

What the hell?

I look at Taehyung and Blake. He shrugs, just as confused. Blake just smiles.

She gets out and so does Taehyung.

Taehyung opens my door. "Come on."


Blake comes up and grabs my arm, making me yelp in pain. She immediately rolls up my sleeve and shakes her head.

She pulls me out of the car. I put my hood up and my hands in my sweatshirt pocket.

Taehyung pulls one of my hands out of my pocket and holds it. He runs his thumb over my knuckles, trying to make me feel better.

It works....

Until Calum walks out.


After Kat left, Ashton shoved me, Luke and Michael back in the car. Kendall, Logan, and James get in Kendall's car.

"What are we doing?"

"You'll see." Luke smiles.

I sigh.


When we pull up, I see Blake's car pulling up as well.

What the hell?

"What are you doing?!" I yell at the guys.

"Nothing." Michael drags out the word.

I roll my eyes and we get out. Kendall, Luke, and James are already talking to them.

Kat's eyes are glued to me. My eyes are glued to their hands.

Before I know it, I'm stomping up to them and pulling Kat away from him.

"Dude, calm dow-"

I punch him.

"CALUM!!" Kat yells, pulling me away.

I turn to face her. Damn it, she's freaking beautiful.

"You're not my boyfriend. You had no right-"

I kiss her, cutting her off.

I pull away before she can respond and she blinks in confusion.

I grab her shoulders and shake her a little. "Don't you ever think I don't love you Katara Rosella Schmidt."

She starts asking questions.

(A/N pay attention to this. I was too lazy to write everything. So I just did this :-) )

Kat: am I pretty?
Me: no
Kat: do you even want to be with me forever?
Me: no
Kat: do you even like me?
Me: no
Kat: would you cry if I walked away
Me: no
She'd obviously heard enough and I could tell she was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes.
I grabbed her arm.
Me: you're not pretty...... You're beautiful
Me: I don't want to be with you forever..... I need to be with you forever
Me: I don't like you...... I love you
Me: I wouldn't cry if you walked away...... I die if you walked away
I whispered: please stay with me
Kat: I will

She hugs me.

"Wait. Does this mean you guys are back together?" Logan looks confused.

Kat giggles and rolls up her sleeve, showing her key bracelet........ and fresh cuts.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now