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Calum and I are currently having a movie marathon in my living room. Luke, Ashton and Michael went home to pack and Kendall left because the other guys were having a sleepover. They can call it whatever they want, it's a sleepover.

I slowly start fall asleep. I am falling asleep on Calum's shoulder during my favorite movie. But oh well it's after midnight and I've been up for the past two days.

"I can't help it but I'm in love with you." Calum whispers in my ear thinking I'm asleep.

His words suprise me but I just tighten my grip on him. He kisses the top of my head and my breath hitches.

He chuckles. "I know you're awake Kat."

I look up at him and smile.

He smiles back. "You need to get some sleep. Your party's tomarrow."

I groan. "But I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

He sighs and tucks my hair behind my ear leaving his hand on my cheek. "I know babe. I know."

I look up at him and he looks down at me. I look at his lips and then back at his eyes. He licks his lips. He leans in. Our lips were about to touch when Kendall walks in, obviously a little tipsy, and ruins the moment.

I sigh. "Sorry." I whisper in Calum's ear.

He smiles and pecks my lips telling me he dosn't care.

"Kitty Kat?" Kendall slurs.

"Yeah?" I get up.

"I forgot some extra clothes. I'll get them then leave you alone." He goes up the stairs.

I shrug and turn to Calum. "You wanna continue our marathon or-" He cuts me off.

"Cuddle." He opens his arms and I gladly walk into them.

"Sounds like a plan." I murmur into his chest.

Kendall comes back down with a duffle bag. "Bye Kitty Kat!" He yells over his shoulder as he leaves. The door slams behind him.

"Kitty Kat?" Calum smirks.

"Shut it." I huff pulling away and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Awww babe don't be mad at me." He pouts, sticking his bottom lip out.

I huff. "Damn you!"

He laughs. "Ha! You can't stay mad at me." He sticks out his tounge.

"Oh real mature." I playfully roll my eyes.

He coughs and says something under his breath.


He clears his throat. "I said, 'stick in the mud.'"

I don't know why, but that really stings. I get up and go downstairs to my room without a word.


Awww shit I fucked up.... again.

I immediately go after her. The door is locked and I'm too scared to go down that narrow passage.

I sigh. "Kat!"

"Whaaaaaaat!?" She's right by the door.

"Please come out. I'm sorry babe." My voice cracks as tears spill down my cheeks.

She opens the door. "Don't you dare cry."

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now