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The little cutie is from a Korean Pop band (BTS) I just.... ugh! Anyway to the story


Kat has been locked in her room. She hasn't eaten anything in five days.

I grab the spare key to Kat's room and open her door.


No answer.


Still no answer.

I run down the stairs and see my baby sister, one of the two girls I live for, sprawled on her bed, not breathing.

I call an abulance and then call the guys. I combine the calls into one so everyone can hear each other.

Me: Guys, Kat isn't breathing. I fight back tears

Carlos/James/Logan: WHAT?!

They all start talking at once, I can't tell what anyone is saying.

Me: I called the abulance, they'll be here soon.

Carlos: I'll be right there. He hangs up.

Logan: Ya know, I think Carlos is still in love with Katara.

James: Not now Logan. We have to worry about Kat. He hangs up.

Me: Ugh! Is everyone in love with my sister?!

Logan: Not me. She's like a sister to me.

"Hello?" A man's voice booms.


Me: Logan, I gotta go. The paramedics are here.

Logan: I'll meet you at the hospital. He hangs up.

I lead the paramedics to Kat. Two of them put her on a stretcher and carry her upstairs. The other one asks me questions and writes my answers on a paper.

"Tell me, what has she been doing?"

"She's stayed down here for five days and she hasn't been eating."

He nods and scribbles something on his paper. "Don't worry sir, your girlfriend will be fine."

"Oh no no no! She's my sister."

"Oh. My apologies."

We walk upstairs and I get in the back of the abulance.


I sit in the waiting room with the guys.

"Shouldn't you call Calum?" Logan asks.

"No, he's got enough to deal with. He's on tour, that's stressful shit." I hate to admit it but that little guy is growing on me.

"So? He's her boyfriend. He should know." James pipes up.

"Ugh! Fine." I get out my phone. "Come get me if any news comes." I go outside and call Calum.

He answers immediately.

Calum: Kendall? What's wrong? Is Kat okay?! He sounds half-asleep.

Kendall: Well...... not exactly. I rub the back of my neck.

Calum: What's wrong!?!? Now he's wide awake.

Kendall: She hasn't eaten since you left. We're at the hospital now.

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