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I hate today. I really hate today.

I'm at the airport with the guys, waiting for my boyfriend and my new friends to leave for six months.

I won't let Cal's hand go, I won't. He's staying right here, with me.

"Babe, you're hurting my hand."

"I'm not letting you go."

"Babe." He sighs.

"No." I tighten my grip.

"Ow!" He pulls away.

I sigh.

"Flight 260 now boarding."

"That's us." Luke sighs.

Everyone hugs each other and says goodbye.

Tears threaten to spill down my cheeks.


I hate this day as much as Kat does but I have to be strong for Kat.

I see tears well in her eyes.

"You're going to be alright. Come here." I tell her and she walks into my arms. I hug her and don't let her go as she sobs into my chest. "It's okay. You're going to be okay." I tell her as I pet her hair in hopes it'll calm her down. She looks up at me and I look down at her. I look at her lips and then back at her eyes. She licks her lips. I lean in. Our lips were about to touch when Michael said, "Calum! We need to go," and ruins the moment

"We never get to kiss." She sighs, pulling away from me.

"I know babe. I know."

"Bye." She looks at the ground.

I sigh. "Bye."

Kendall leads her outside and we board the plane. I punch Michael's arm.

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"That was my chance to kiss Katara and you ruined it!"

"So what? You've kissed her plenty times before."

I sigh. "You'll understand when you have a girlfriend and you have to leave her behind."

"Harsh dude." Michael stares at me.

I feel bad for snapping at Michael but I'm just in a bad mood.


As soon as I get home, I lock myself in my room. I cry untill I fall asleep.

When I wake up, food is by my bed. I let it sit there even though my stomach protest.

This goes on for a few days until finally the darkness consumes me.

I'm free from my pain.


Sorry this was so short. I didn't know what exactly to do. Anyway


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