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I try calling her again. "Come on, pick up!"

It goes to her voice mail: 'Hey, this is Nicole. You know what to do.'

"Dammit!" I throw my phone down. These last couple of days, she's been really distant. I wanna believe that she's just taking care of her mom and sisters, like she said.

She finally calls back. "What!?" She snaps.


"Noah?" She sounds happy.

"No, James. Your fiancé. Who's Noah?" My heart feels like it's breaking

"..... Erm....... Yeah, weeeeeeelllllll, Noah is the guy I've been seeing."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Your cheating on me!?"

"Erm yeah."

I lean back into the couch. "For how long?"

"Since last week."

Tears stream down my face. "Why?" I sound like a little kid, who just got told he couldn't have a puppy.

"Oh puh-lease!" She snaps. "Liana is my cousin! She lost faith in my abilities to take Katara down from the inside. So she sent Zac and Kyle. My brothers failed at getting rid of Katara. I'm Liana's last hope for taking down Katara."

It's hard to breath. She used me. She used me to hurt Katara.

I compose myself, getting more and more pissed. I grit my teeth. "If you ever come near Katara or any of us again, I will personally kill you!"

She laughs. "Goodbye James." She hangs up.

"Nothing good about it." I mutter. I throw my phone against the wall. I hear the satisfing crack of the glass breaking. Our song 'Till I Forget About You,' plays in my head.

The door opens and slams against the wall. "Jaaaames!" I hear a fimiliar voice. It can't be Kat, she's in the hospital.... "James?"

"In here!"

Then, I see the person that caused all this. The girl that has repeatedly shut down my love. The girl I may..... no! The little voice in my head screams. She's your best friend. Not to mention Kendall's little sister. The one who took care of you when you were sick. Helped on bad hair days. And.... she loves you.

I sigh, putting on a smile and greeting her. "Kat!"

Her eyebrows furrow. "What's wrong?"

I sigh. "I'll explain when everyone gets here."

She winces. "That bad huh?"

I nod glumly.

She blows her bangs out of her eyes. "Ooookay. GUYS! HURRY UP!"

Immediately everyone rushes in.

"Kat? Are you okay!?" Kendall inspects her.

"Yes." She pushes him off, annoyed. "James needs to tell us something."


Everyone goes silent and settles themselves all over the room. Logan and Erin are on the recliner. Kat is next to me with Cal next to her. Ashton, Luke, and Michael are leaning against the wall. Kendall is sitting on the beanbag, next to Blake, who is in the chair.

I take a deep breath and tell the story.


Kat puts her hand on my knee when I'm finished. I know she's trying to comfort me but, right now, I'm way too pissed. I push her off me and stand.

She stands up too. "Look at me James Maslow."

I look at her. I don't see the girl I've grown up with. I see the person that caused all this. The girl that has repeatedly shut down my love. The possibility that, if she wasn't in my life, I would have been married already goes through my head. No wonder Carlos dumped her......

Before I know it, my hands are around her neck. I'm pushing her against the floor and everyone is screaming at me to stop.

I feel something hit my head and everything goes black.


His eyes go crazy. Before I can say his name, he tackles me and wraps his hands around my neck. The wind is knocked out of me and all I can manage to do is put my hands on his wrist and try to push him off.

Kendall hits him over the head with a frying pan. I try to breath but my throat feels like it's on fire.

"Sh shhh it's okay Kat." He kneals next to me.

I look at James. Poor guy. If it wasn't for me, he would have never met that bitch and he wouldn't be hurting. Tears roll down my cheeks before I can stop them.

Kendall motions for someone to come over. He gets up and Calum takes his spot next to me. "Shh shh calm down babe." He smooths my hair with his hand. "You'll be okay."

His gentle touch comforts me and I let my tiredness take over.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now