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After me and the guys rehearse, I call Blake and tell her to come over in 20 if she wants to be my plus one. She jumped at the opportunity.

I take out two dresses I got in LA. One is a floor-length silver and black gown, the top is silver and the bottom is black, it has a sweetheart neckline, and the thin silver lines in the back make a V shape. The other is a knee-length pink dress with silver designs and lace on the top and a bow on the side.

I choose the silver and pink dress and get it on.

When Blake comes, she radiates confidence. Her dress is short and blue. Kind of like mine but blue with silver designs and lace.

"Hey." I smile.

"'Sup." She smiles back.

I let her in.

"The guys are upstairs getting ready." I say as I pack my bass into its case. My other two are in their cases, leaning against the wall. You never know what you may need.

"Cool." She jumps over the back of the couch and plops down.

I sit next to her and we wait for the boys.


The boys come downstairs and help me get my guitars in the van.

"We ready?" Kendall asks, turning to Logan.

Logan looks over his checklist. "Girls.... check. Guitars.....check. Kendall.....check. Logan..check. Carlos..... check. James..............."

Logan looks up. "James?......... Where's James?"

I look around. "I'll check upstairs."

"K." Kendall plops down next to Blake.

I go upstairs and look around. "James?"

"In here." He sniffs.

I go into his room. Carlos was the only one that moved out.

"James?" I sit next to him.

He sighs and looks at his hands.

I rub his back. "James?"

"Kat, do you love me?" He turns to face me.

I nod. "Your like a brother to me."

He huffs and stands up. "No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!"

"James..." I stand up and put my hand on his shoulder.

He shrugs away. "No, Kat. I can't take it anymore!"

"James!" I try again.

"No! Kat, I love you. I always have! Not as a sister but as a-"

"JAMES!" Third times a charm.

He looks at me. "What?!"

I walk over to him and, before I know it, our lips are connected. He waste no time kissing back.

"GUYS?!" Blake yells.

I pull away. "Let's go."

He nods and I drag him downstairs, trying not to trip on my heels.

"James and Katara.... check." Logan beams.

"Ok let's go guys." Kendall ushers us out the door.

Blake and I sit in the back, Logan and James in the middle, Kendall driving and Carlos in the passenger side.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now