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What the hell did I just do?! I just lost the most amazing girl in the world, that's what. She hates me now.

And now her brother is screaming at me. His every word driping venom. I know I tried to kiss her friend and said some awful things. All I remember is her face when she said she didn't need me. Her face stained with tears and fresh ones forming in her eyes. She looked at me with a broken and hurt expression.

I wanna make it up to her. But with Kendall keeping me here-

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING YOU FUCKBOY!!!!" Kendall's face was full of anger and disappointment.

I nod. "I'm listening Kendall." I hold back tears.

His expression softens. "You hurt her Calum Hood. Stay away from my sister."

'You can't do that I love her!' That's what I wanted to say, no, scream at him. I bite my tounge and nod.

He looks at me with disgust. I leave and start driving to my place. "Damn traffic!" I mutter.

I made a turn on this really narrrow street. I hate traffic. Maybe I made a mistake, I see a girl right outside a club. She was surrounded by two disgusting men. Her drunk friend giggling and clapping her hands.

HOLY SHIT! KATARA?! And her friend, Celestica.

I stopped at the corner, panicked. I could see she was really scared right now, but shit I'm scared too. What should I do? Think Calum, think. I take a deep breath and get out of my car. They pinned her up to the wall and the blonde started kissing down her neck.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?"

"Cal-" He grabbed her neck, cutting her off.

"Hey! Stop that! You're hurting her!" I pushed them away.

"Hey man, you're welcome to join us. Have a foursome?" The dark-haired one spoke, smirking. His breath reaked of alcohol. It made me wanna vomit.

"What? Hell no! Go away you creep!" I pushed them again and sling my arm around Katara's shoulders. I quickly put her in the passenger's side.

"Calum let's go!"

"Okay. Okay. I-" I was pulled, by my shoulders, back. The dark-haired one punched me. I stumble a little then manage to return his punch.

The blonde held me back. The other continued throwing punches at my face and abdomen. I hear Kat screaming inside. That only made me angrier.

I jerked away and pushed the blonde. He hit his head on the wall and passed out. The other guy ran. Dammit! I was really in the mood to beat the shit out of him.

I get into my car, wincing and drive to start to drive my house.


I put my hand on her leg. "It's okay Kat."

She stiffed at my touch. I took my hand off her and put it back on the steering wheel.

She grabbed it off the wheel and held my hand. I pull into an abandoned parking lot. I wipe off my kuckles.

"This isn't my blood." I smirk. "Trust me, they'll think twice before they-"

"Calum?" She cuts me off.

"Hmm?" I turn to face her.

She looks back at sleeping Celestica. "Why- why did you-"

I cut her off by connecting my lips with hers. She gasped and tensed but eventually gave in. I pull away and cup her cheek, running my thumb on her bottem lip.

"Don't ever think I don't love you."

"But Kendall-"

"Don't worry about him."

She smiled slightly and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I missed you Kat."

"I missed you too Cal."

I kiss her with so much passion and love, she was taken aback. She quickly kissed back with just as much passion and love.

I touch her neck. She winces and pulls back. That's when I see the bruises on her neck.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now