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It's my wedding day! I'm so excited! The twins third birthday was two days ago. My babies are growing up so fast.

"Oh, my baby girl is all grown up." My mother smiles, tears rollong down her face.

"Aww mom." I hug her. "Stop, you're gonna make me cry."

She lets me go and wipes her eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry. It's just that..... my son gets married and now my daughter is."

I smile and turn back to the full length mirror. "Oh mom.." I touch my guitar necklace Calum gave me. "I love him so much."

Blake comes up next to me. "And he loves you sis."

"He better." My dad grumbles.

Erin rolls her eyes. "Don't worry Mr. Schmidt, if he hurts her, I'll let you know."

I let them talk and my eyes unfocus as I go into my own head. If I had one talent, it was worrying. I could remember worrying what lyrics would project the right mood and if the boys would wanna play hockey with me after a rehearsal. Now I was worrying about dresses, flowers, makeup, and hair. Things I never thought I'd worry about.

It's kind of funny actually, how what I was worrying about now seemed so plain compared to what my uneasiness was about before I had gotten engaged to my fiancé/soon to be husband, Calum.

I swipe a makeup brush over my cheek, a gorgeous highlighting power on it as I stare at myself in the mirror. Tim left the room only an hour ago, deeming my hair and makeup finsished. And it is- I actually look presentable. I feel like a princess, like something straight out of a fairytale book.

I take in a breath, watching as my chest constricts against the white fabric covering my body. I push a strand of hair away from my face. Tim put a lot of hair spray in my hair. It's gonna bug me but I'll just take it down and brush through it after the 'I dos.'

I slowly observe the room I'm in. Everyone has left me in this beautiful room. It's white, almost the same color as my dress, with long curtains that sheer out and let light into the room. Cream colored couches with the most attentive detailing accesorize the room, looking like they are made completely put of foam and silk. Maybe this is what heaven looks like.

There's a steady, rhythmic knock that sort of reminds me of drumming.

"Come in," I only speak loud enough to be heard, a slight burning in the back of my throat appears.

I turn around to look at the people who knocked as the door creaked open. In came marching Luke, the best man, and Mandy, my maid of honor.

"Woah," Luke says, stopping dead in his tracks as soon as he sees me. "You look hot."

Mandy, my best friend since before the guys were famous and the one I left in LA, whom I found on Facebook recently, elbowed him in the stomach. "You don't want to say that to a girl on her wedding day. She dosn't want to be hot, she wants to be elegant."

Luke rolls his eyes. "That dosn't even make sense."

"What's up?" I pucker my lips together. They are painted a soft pink with a glossy finish on top.

"Just wanted to see how you're doing. You know, no cold feet or anything?" He bites his lip ring.

I furrow my freshly done eyebrows. "No? Oh, my God, is Calum having cold feet? Tell me now, please, because I don't want to be left at the alter, because that would be really embarrassing and-"

"No! No, he's not," Luke laughs. "God, you're the same person. He just asked me to ask if you were having doubts because he didn't want to get left at the alter," He snorts. "You're a perfect match."

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now