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She immediately runs to his side.

"James?" She helps him up. I get off the bed and help her lay him down.

His lip is cut and bleeding. She grabs a tissue and dabs at his lip.

He pushes her hand away. "Stop! That hurts Kat."

She dabs at it again. "Shhhhh don't talk. It won't stop bleeding if you talk."

"What happened?" I look at James. He has a black eye and a bleading lip.

"H-Harry." He groans.

"Shhhh James." She shoots me a look. "No more questions."

I nod. "Sorry."

She makes James hold the tissue to his lip.  "Rest for awhile. Don't go back upstairs until I come and get you. She goes to the stairs and starts going up.

"What are you doing." I grab her wrist, stopping her.

"Putting an end to this. He crossed the line." She tries to pull her hand away.

I tighten my grip. "I'm coming with you."

She shakes her head. "No. I need you down here, taking care of James."

I shake my head. "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer." I go up one step. "I'm coming with you."

She sighs. "Fine."


It's really sweet he wanted to come. I just hope he dosn't get hurt. Harry cant do this anymore.

I get up the stairs and see Harry sitting on the couch. "Harry, we're done. You've gone too far by hurting James."

He glares at me. Then he sees Calum. "Oh I see. You're dumping me for the pretty boy."

"Pretty boy? Is that all you think I am? Well at least I'm not a fucking jackass who threatens his girlfriend!"

"Both of you stop!" They both look at me. "Harry get out."

"Fine!" He grabs his jacket. "But trust me, sweetheart, your gonna miss me." He leaves, slamming the door behind him.

I sigh. "Sorry I pulled you into this."

"It's fine Kat. I love you."

I tense. "Y-you what?"

His cheeks burn red. "I love you."

I kiss his cheek. "I love you too "


Sorry it was short. The next chapter will be longer.

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