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"D-did you see the news?" Calum asks, his eyes darting around our room.

"No, why?" As soon as I got home, Calum dragged me downstairs and said we needed to talk. Parkway is sleeping on our bed.

He looks relieved for a minute but his eyes are still wide.

"Honey?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

He shrugs away, puts his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes. "Kat, remember yesterday?"

"The paparazzi guy?"

He nods.

"What about him?" He's really scaring me.

"He took that picture waaaaay out of context!" He shakes me a little.

I put my hands on his wrist, slowly pulling them off me. I hold his hands, running my thumbs over his knuckles, trying to make him feel better. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

He takes a breath and slowly nods. "Okay." He lets my hands go and gets out his phone. He comes closer to me and hits play on a YouTube video. A picture of me pops up.

"...... Miss Katara Schmidt, younger sister of Kendall Schmidt from BTR...." A picture of Kendall pops up. "was seen yesterday laughing at her fiancé, Calum Hood when he was in pain." The picture of Calum 'crying' and me laughing pops up. "So, the question on everyone's mind, is Katara the best choice for Calum? Should this wedding go on? More on this later. Now to the weather..."

The video ends. "Oh." Is all I can manage to say.

"Kat... I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. We'll clear it all up." I smile.

He takes another breath and nods.

I want him to hug me and tell me everything will be fine..... but I don't wanna sound needy. Last thing I wanna do is sound like a little girl that can't take care of herself.

"Kat?" He wipes away tears I didn't know were falling. "Babe?"

I gently push his hand away. "Hug me! Tell me everything will be fine! R-reassure me!"

"Oh Kat." He pulls me to him. "Everything will be fine. I promise babe."

"KAT?! CALUM?!" Kendall calls.

"Come on Kat. We should get back upstairs." Calum whispers, petting my hair down my back.

I just nod and we go upstairs, hand in hand.

My dad immediately yanks me away from Calum. "Dad!"

"What? I don't know anything about this boy!"

"Mom!" I look to her for help.

She shakes her head. "Kent! Let our daughter go."

My dad hesitates but eventually lets go of my arm.

"Um, dad, Kat is singing later tonight at a club. Want to come along?" Kendall changes the subject.

My dad nods. "Yeah."

"Mom?" Kendall turns to her.

"Yeah, I'll go."

"I'll stay with the babies." Logan says.

"I'll stay with him." Erin says.

I look at them sceptically.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Erin reassures me. I nod. When Erin says something won't happen, it won't happen.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now