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Hey guys!

Up above is a picture of BTR and a KeyForkTV Prank video.




I'm sitting on our bed, holding Lydie while Jamari plays with some toys. I can hear Kat crying in the bathroom and reciting some poem. I want to go to her but she'll just push me away again.

"I can't believe she's pregnant." I mutter.

"Puh?" Lydie looks up at me.

I nod. "Mommy and Daddy are having another baby."

"Babeee!" She grins.

I nod. "Baby."

Kat comes out of the bathroom and plays with Jamari on the floor.

"Mummy!" Jamari smiles.

"Mommy!" Lydie outstreaches her arms.

Kat smiles slightly. I put Lydiette down and she waddles to Kat. "Hey baby girl."

"How far along are you?" I blurt, regretting it after.

"Ummmmm, almost a month." She looks at me.

I nod. "How long have you known?"

"Erm, three weeks."

"Three weeks!" I stand up.

She sighs, standing up as well. Lydie and Jamari play with their toys at her feet. "Kendall took me to the doctor when I was sick for more than a week-"

I cut her off. "Where was I?"

"I think you and the guys were working on a new album." She shrugs.


Kendall and Blake come in. "Hey sis. Blake and I are going swimming, mind if we take the kids?"

She nods. "Go ahead." They take them. "Anyway, the doctor told me I was pregnant. When I asked him how far along I was, he said a half a week."

I nod. "I'm sorry." I sit down on the bed.

"For what?"

"Getting you knocked up.... again."

"Who says it's yours?"

I look at her face, wide-eyed. She has a straight face. It breaks into a smile. "I'm kidding!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

She laughs. "You thought I was for fucking real."

I put a hand on my chest. "You about gave me a heart attack!"

"Baaby, did I?" She outstreaches her arms. "Come here." She climbs on the bed and hugs me.

"You're lucky I love you Schmidt."

"Oh. Oh. Oh. Really?" She pulls away and crosses her arms. At least she's smiling. "Are we on a last name basis now?" She leans closer to me. "Hood."

"Oh. Oh. Oh." I grab her waist and lay back, making her stradle me. "You just made a huge mistake!" I pull her down to me........ you can guess what happened next.


She pulls the sheets over herself. "It's like you're trying to get me knocked up."

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