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"I HATE HER!" I scream and throw a wooden chair against the wall. It breaks.

"Ms. Williams, you need to breathe." My therapist urged me to sit.

"No! They're engaged!" I scream again.

"Ms. Williams! Their engagement is none of your concern."

"But, but..." My anger subsides and I sink into the couch.

My therapist sighs in relief and sits in her seat. "Ms. Williams, please explain your anger."

I let out a breath. "Oh, Maria, I don't care about their engagement!"

"Then what's the problem?"

"I like Katara's friend, Taehyung. But he's in love with her." I break out into mad laughter

Her eyes widen. "Liana, what did you do?!"

"I sent my good friends, the bounty hunters, on her." I laugh harder.

The day at the bar didn't work, let's see if this does.


"Babe?!" I wait for a second. "Calum!?" I'm panicking. The blonde guy puts the knife closer to my neck.

"What?" He sounds worried.

"I need you!" Tears stream down my face.

I hear running and Calum burst into the room. "What the hell?! Let go of her!"

"Oh c'mon Calum, don't you remember me?" The brown (almost black) haired one step into the dim light. "Think."

"You two are the guys I saved Kat from

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"You two are the guys I saved Kat from." He glares at him.

I try to choke out his name but the blonde holds the knife closer to my neck. I know these guys, their Liana's cousins. The dark-haired one is Zac and the blonde is Kyle.

"Hey!" Calum steps foward but Zac holds a gun up. "Ah, ah, ah, Calum. Take another step and my friend slits her throat. Now, we wouldn't want that.... would we?" He snaps his fingers and Kyle pushes the knife closer to my neck.

I get a good look at both if them. Zac has piercing blue eyes and stuble. Kyle, he has more like dirty-blonde than blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. They're both wearing leather jackets and ripped jeans.

 They're both wearing leather jackets and ripped jeans

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I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now