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These boys....... I can't.  Taehyung is my bae.

Don't get me wrong, Calum is my other bae.

Anyway to the story.


I hate staying in this hospital. The people here are way to cheery.

The only good hour I had here was when Blake came by. Apparently she went through the the whole anorexia and missing someone thing. She brought me my make-up kit. She gets me.

But, she left to go work and I'm alone again. The nurses keep force-feeding me. And not even something good.

They made me have an alergic reaction earlier. Turns out I'm alergic to straight-up eggs but I can eat any pastry with them in it. It's weird.

Calum is supposed to come home today, but I haven't gotten any news. I'm allowed to drive home. I just need to get dressed.

I put on a black lace tank top, jean shorts, a fake snakeskin belt, black heals, and skull earings. I brush my hair that is somehow perfectly straight. I put red lipstick on and do a smoky-eyed effect. I grab my black rose bracelet and owl necklace I got in LA and I go to sign-out.

I head to my car.

"Wait! Miss Schmidt!"

I turn and see a my roommate, Zao, running out of the building and towards me.

"What?" I roll my eyes. I've seen all the girls he brought in and out of our room.

"I need a ride home."


"Can you give me a ride?"

I roll my eyes. "Get in loser."

He gets in and I start the drive.


"Where do you live?"

"Wherever you do." He puts his hand on my thigh.

I jump.

He chuckles. "Come on baby."

I shove his hand off me.

I look at him. "Fuck off! I'm dating someone."

I mentally smile when I think of Calum. I love him so much.

Zao looks behind me with wide-eyes.

That's when the car slams into my side and everything goes black.


My plane just landed when I get a call from Kendall.

Me: Kendall?

Kendall: Calum! *sniff* Kat is in the hospital.

Me: I know. That's the whole reason I'm coming home. Is he okay?

Kendall: No! She got in a car crash and she's in critical condition.

My heart skipped a beat.

Me: W-what?!

Kendall: Some car slammed into hers when she was coming home. She has amnesia. So don't be surprised if she dosn't know who you are.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now