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Why is he calling me!? "C-Calum?"

"Who else would it be?" He chuckled.

I smile. "Why did you call." I wipe away my tears and sniffle.

"H-Have you been crying?" He sounds genuinely concerned.

"Maybe." I lay on my bed.

It was silent then I heard him curse under his breath.

"Is it because of Harry?"

"Maybe." I sigh. How did he know I was with Harry?

He sighs. "I-I-" He stops.


"I-I don't like you dating him."

I smile and feel a blush creep to my cheeks. I take a deep breath. "Really? How come?" I wanted to squeal and jump for joy.

To be honest, I hate dating Harry! He's so rude and thinks he can have his way with me, anytime he chooses. He hates my brother and the others and he basically dosn't let me see any of them.

"From what I've heard, he treats you so bad. He wants you to, um, give yourself to him. If you don't he threatens you. He keeps you away from your friends and brother. I just........ don't like it."

"Oh yeah he does that. Who told you?"

I hear shuffling then a door closing. "Your brother. He told he everything."

"Kendall told you everything?!"


I stifle a sob.


"C-Cal I g-got to go." I hang up. Why would Kendall tell him?" Now I have to chose between Harry and Calum.


Sorry this is so short. And I'm sorry if you think this story sucks. I'm really trying to make this story something that people will want. It's not working out very well I guess. Sorry

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now