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I finally decide on a simple reddish orange, floor-length gown, it has lace sort of belt, lace top, and no long sleeves. I put on the same colored gloves. Imagine Elsa's gloves but as a reddish orange color. I put on some light pink lipstick, eyeliner, and light pink eyeshadow. I put Lydie in a light pink dress and Jamari into a camo shirt and jeans.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn and see Calum in a navy blue dress shirt, tie, and jeans.

"Hey." He shoves his hands in his hands in his pockets.

"Hey." I finish tieing Lydie's shoes and move on to Jamari's. There's along silence after that. Jamari kicks his shoes off and screams. I sigh and try again.

"I'm sorry." He kneals next to me, taking over on Jamari's shoes. He successfully ties them and keeps them on Jamari's feet.

"For what?" I pick up Lydie and stand.

"For snapping at you earlier." He picks up Jamari and stands.

"It's fine Cal." I look down.

"You know what?"

"What?" I look back up.

"Falling in love never crossed my mind. Not until our paths crossed in Little Ceasars."

I smile and blush. "Damn you." I joke.

He laughs and we head upstairs. We put the kids in their highchairs so they'll be contained but noticeable. I choose to stand by them and greet people as they come over.


I can't wait for my mum and Mali to meet Katara and the kids!

"MUM! MALI!" I go over to them.

"Hey Cal." Mali smiles and hugs me.

I hug my mum. "So, where are my grand babies?"

I smile and lead them to Kat. She's talking to Ariana and Taylor. They leave after awhile and I walk over.

"Hey babe." I kiss her cheek.

"Hey Cal."

"Mummyyyyyy!!!!" Jamari outstreaches his chubby arms. Kat smiles and takes him out of the highchair.

"Da!" Lydie tugs at my shirt. She can't say 'Daddy' yet so she calls me 'Da'. I pick her up.

"Cal, aren't you gonna introduce us?" My sister jokes.

"Oh, yeah. Mum and Mali this is Kat, Jamari, and Lydiette. Guys this is my mum and sister."

Kat smiles. "Nice to meet you..... Joy isn't it?"

"Yes." My mum smiles.

"KAT!" Kendall walks up.

"What?" Kat turns her attention to him.

"We got a problem..... Oh hi." He notices Mali and my mum.

"Ken, this is Calum's mom and sister. Joy, Mali, this is my brother, Kendall." They greet each other and Kendall goes back to freaking out.

"Jared is here."

Kat's eyes widen and she almost drops Jamari but he grabs her dress.


"I didn't invite him!"

Calum puts his free arm around me. Lydie is propped on his hip, playing with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Jared?" Mali looks confused.

"No reason for you to be concerned."


"What?" He huffs and leaves.

I sigh. "Sorry but I, um....." I trail off.

"It's fine sweetie. Come on Mali, let's go pick up your father." Joy takes Mali's arm. Mali mouths 'help' before they dissapear.

At that moment Jared walks up. "Hey-" He's cut off by my two bodyguards, Kwasi and Darius, picking him up. "What the?"

"Kwasi, Darius, get him out of here."

They nod and carry him out the door and throw him outside. Everyone is silent and the music stop for a second, but then they goes back to talking and the music starts playing again.

I sigh in relief and continue being a proper hostess.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now