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It's the big day!!!!!

Blake looks at herself in the full length mirror.

"The dress is beautiful Blake." Nicole admires it.

Blake smiles. "Thank you."

Nicole looks at me. "Kat?"

"Hmm?" I meet her gaze.

"What is that?" Her eyes widen.

"What's what?" Blake turn to face us.

Nicole grabs my arm. "This!" She points to the ring on my finger.

I jerk my arm away and put my hands behind my back. "So what? James and you are engaged!"

Yeah, he took her to a Green Day concert about a month ago. They played all her favorite songs, then the band sang 'Will you marry me Nicole?' and James got down on one knee. It was all over YouTube.

Nicole's cheeks turn bright pink.

"But, that dosn't mean it's not a big deal that your engaged!" Blake smiles.

My turn to blush........

They laugh.

Nicole is the first to stop laughing. "So, is it Calum or Taehyung?"


They both laugh and smile.

"Double wedding?" Nicole shrugs.

I shake my head. "No offense but I want that moment to be all about me and Calum's new family...."

She nods. "I can't wait to have kids with James!"

Blake tenses.

"Let's not worry about having or adopting kids."

"I don't want to adopt. I'd rather have kids of my own." Nicole picks at her dress. "But, adopting a kid means you can pick whether it's a boy or a girl.... and give a kid a new life."

"I would love to adopt a kid! But I'll have to ask Claum."

Blake turns back to look at herself in the full length mirror. "When me and Kendall adopt.... those kids will be loved to the moon and back..."

The wedding planner opens the door. "Five minutes people!" She slams the door behind her.

Blake takes a deep breath.

I put my hand on her arm. She looks at me. "You'll be fine Blake."

She sighs and nods.

The door opens again, but this time Calum and James walk in.

Nicole goes to James. Calum and I sit on the couch.

"Cal, where are the kids?"

"Logan will walk the flower boy and flower girl down the asile."

I smile. My babies will throw rose petals onto the asile, sit with my mother, Logan will circle back to get Blake while Nicole and James walk out, then me and Calum, then Blake will walk out with Logan and join Kendall at the alter.

"You look beautiful Katara." Calum pulls me out of my thoughts.

I blush. "Thank you." The bridesmaids dresses are floor-length silver and black gowns, the tops are silver and the bottoms are black, they have a sweetheart neckline, and the thin silver lines in the backs make a V shape.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now