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Katara has to wear a neck brace now. It's gray and black. Kind of like the one Katniss wore in the last movie. Her eyes are all blood shot. She can't even speak. Sure, it's been a few weeks already, but still.

My phone rings. I look and see Liana's name pop up. I sigh and answer.

"Oh my god Calum! I heard what happened! I'm so so-"

"Cut the crap. We need to talk."

"I'm listening."


I hate that we keep having to push back the wedding. But I can't very well walk down the asile in s neck brace with blood shot eyes. Not very attractive.

I'm with my mom, Blake, and Erin right now. Blake and Erin are like my sisters. I hate that Nicole did what she did. I don't blame James for blaming me. Liana did basically hire her to hurt him because of me. He's apologized a thousand times already. I feel horrible.

"Okay sweetie, I know you can't speak and all but we need to work out some tweeks in the wedding." My mom pulls me out of my trance.

I look at her, rolling my eyes, but gesturing for her to go on.

"Tim said that he could help with your hair and makeup if you'd like."

I smile remembering him from when I picked my wedding dress.

"Would you like that?" She looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"Blink once for yes. Twice for no." Blake smiles.

I blink once.

My mom nods and smiles, looking back to the list. "Okay. So we'll need a location, bridesmaids dresses, and flowers."

I just smile.

My mom hands me my laptop. "What flowers dear?"

I smile and start typing. I know exactly what I want.

I hand it to my mother and she reads it out loud. "First flower: Calla Lily, they symbolize magnificence and beauty. White Calla lilies combine these two attributes with purity and innocence associated with the color white to make it the perfect choice of flower in a Wedding bouquet. Second flower: Daffodil, they symbolize regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings and eternal life. It also symbolizes unrequited love. A single daffodil foretells a misfortune while a bunch of daffodils indicate joy and happiness. Third flower: Gardenia, they symbolize purity and sweetness. They indicate secret love. They convey joy. They tell the receiver you are lovely. The last one will be chosen by Calum."

They all smile.

"Okay. Now you and Calum will have to pick the location. Let's move on to bridesmaids dresses."

I get up and look at some pictures I printed out earlier.

We look at them and finally decide on a blue ombre dress.

We look at them and finally decide on a blue ombre dress

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I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now