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"Good job Taehyung!" I hug him, briefly, then pull away.

"Uh, t-thanks." A blush creeps to his cheeks.

"Oh Kat." Ariana stagers up and puts her elbow on my shoulder, leaning on me. "Your friend has Shawn wrapped around her finger." She laughs and leaves to talk to Selena and Taylor.

"Sorry Taehyung, I gotta go find her. I'll meet up with you later?"

He nods. "Sure, sounds good."

I find Blake talking to Shawn. Looks like Shawny has a new crush.

"Kat!" Kendall stomps up.

"Oh. Hey Ken. What's up?" I smile.

"What's up? What's up?!" His voice rises as he points to Shawn and Blake. "That's what's up!!!"

"Ken, calm down. She's just making some friends."

"No Kat! Look at them! Any minute he's gonna ask her out!"


Suprisingly, no one hears me except Kendall.

He waits for a second, shocked that I yelled at him, then nods. "Maybe I will."

"Then go." I cross my arms over my chest.

He saunters over to them and I watch with a smile on my face.

"What are ya smiling at, baby girl?" A voice says behind me.

"My brother." I laugh and turn around. "He's-" Blue eyes stare back at me. "Jared?!"


Come on Kendall, you can do this.

I take a deep breath as I walk over.

"Hey Blake, Shawn." I smile.

"Hey." She takes a sip of her drink.

Shawn jerks his head up.

(A/N you know when guys do that and don't speak. I didn't know how else to describe it.)

"SHAWN!!!!" Ariana's voice rips through the music as she runs up. "Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas are here."

I fight back the urge to go to Kat. Nick and her dated and he wrote 'Jealous' about her.

"Cool. I'm gonna get another drink." Shawn says, leaving with Ari.

Blake and I sit on a velvet couch. I pick at my fingers nervously.

Blake touches my hand, making me jump.

"You okay?" She looks at me concerned.

I nod then shake my head.

"Which is it?" She smiles a little.

I take a deep breath and spill my guts before I can chicken out. "I like you. Your perfect. Your smart, confident, and much more. So, I'm gonna ask you this before I can change my mind. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I brace myself.

"Ummm." She leans back.


Gonna leave you here. Cliffhanger.


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