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Don't ask why I put this video on here, I just thought it was funny. It has nothing to do with the story and the picture is Carlos and his wife.



"Hey Kat. What took you so long?" James grabs the pizzas from my arms.

"Sorry I......... ran into someone." I scoff at myself. Why was I so nervous? It's not like we did anything. We just talked, that's all.

"Who?" Kendall stood up. He is so fucking protective. Jeez!

I pull the oldest trick in the girl book. I burst out crying. Immediately all four boys crowd me. Kendall picks me up bridal style. He sits on the couch, cradling me.

"Shhhhhhh it's ok Kat, it'll be okay." He mouths something to the others and they quickly go into the kitchen. "What happened Kat?"

"You'll hate me." I take a deep, shaky breath.

"No I won't." He tightens his grip on me.

"Promise?" I look up at him.

"Promise." He nods.

I tell him everything that happened, even the people staring at my car and me. He nods, taking in my every last word. After I was done, he placed me on the couch and went to talk to the other boys. I cover my face with my hands.

I feel like trash. All those boys staring at me. Their girlfriends giving me death glares and flipping me off. Then Calum actually treated me like I was a person not just a pretty face. Well, except for the fact that his friends were watching. Plus, he's really cute! Ooh I just wonder how he'll look with no shirt-

The boys came in and I mentally scold myself for thinking about him.

"Kat, baby, look at me." Logan touches my hands and gently pulls them away from my face. "We're not mad baby." He smiles at me, kindly.

"Yeah." James lifts my legs, sits down and puts my legs on his lap.

A wave of relief rushes over me. I'll always have these guys.


Okay so story time. Yesterday I was walking home from skit squad (it's a drama club at my school) with my 2 friends  (Bonnie and Samantha) (keep in mind that Bonnie likes to be called Oliver (trans)). We were talking about this girl that hates us. We said that we hoped our friend Kaden (boy) wasn't related to her. Then this crazy bitch (one of the girl's friends) stopped us by a graveyard and started bitchin. We left and played some music. Then the crazy bitch starts yelling at us and flipping us off. So we duck into an ally and the bitch starts following us! So we go near the library and Oliver tells a cop (who conveniently stopped at a stoplight) that she was following us. He drives off and we go back to my house. I tell my mother everything. Then Oliver and Sam go back to Sam's house (right across the street) and we wait her out. So that's what happened to me.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now