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"I know everyone hates me but......... I'm trying so hard to make everything right."

My therapist nods and writes it down. "Why do you..... despise, Katara Schmidt?"

I shrug. "I was in love with Lucca but he was in love with her....."

She nods again and writes it down.

I've been in therapy for about two months now.

I got my own room and Calum is never home.

Too busy with little miss perfect.

I wonder what he's doing right now......


Kendall just took the babies to the park with the others, leaving me and Katara in awkward silence.

I only came over to see the kids...... and maybe spend time with Kat.......

"If you could have one wish, what would your one wish be?" I look at her.

She thinks about this for awhile and sighs. "I wish we were all born with tattoos identical to our soulmates so we could find each other rather than waste our time people who don't care about us."

I want to grab her hand and tell her that we would have identical tattoos.

She pulls her hair into a ponytail and exhales. "What would your wish be?"

To be with you forever.

"Super strength."

She smiles and laughs a little. "Super strength?" She looks at me. "Really?"

I laugh. "Yeah." I easily lie.

She nods and stands. "Want something to drink or eat?"

I nod. "Sure."

We go upstairs and she grabs two cans of Coke.

She hands me mine. "How did you know I like Coke?"

She shrugs. "I watched. I listened. I learned."

I smirk. "You saw. You felt."

She rolls her eyes but smiles.

We order pizza and hang out in the living room.

"I'll be right back." She gets up and leaves.

My phone rings, I'm bringing sexy back. Ya! The other boys don't know how to act....

I hum along but eventually answer.

Me: "'Sup?"

Ashton: Hey buddy, what's going on?

I sigh.


After I refill my plate, I lean against the wall and listen in to Calum's conversation, lukily he has his phone on speaker.

Calum: "'Sup?"

Ashton: Hey buddy, what's going on?

I her Cal sigh.

Ashton: Cal?

Calum: I'm still in love with Kat....

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now