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What the fuck did I do?!

Confessing that I still love her and crying.


I sigh and fall back on my bed.

Liana stirs.

Oh yeah, we share a bed. Well until her bed comes then she'll move into the guest bedroom, hopefully.

"Cally?" She sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Yeah." Shit!

"What are you doing getting home so late?"

"Go back to sleep Lia."

I turn my back to her.

She rolls over and slings her arm over my waist. She burries her head in between my shoulder blades and falls asleep.

I sigh and push her off me.

I unlock my phone and look at the picture of me and Kat. I wanted to take a picture but she covered her face with her hand. You can see her peeking from behind her hand.

Man, I think I love her.

I sigh, close my eyes and sleep.


A shrill cry spreads throughout the house.

"KAT!" James opens my door. The others behind him.

"I got it. I got it." I get up but my vision blurs and I sit down. "I don't got it."

Nicole and Blake take care of the babies.

Kendall, Logan, and James come to my side.

"Kat?" Kendall kneals down in front of me.

I can barley hear him. He sounds underwater.

I stare off into space, somewhere between reality and make believe.


I wave my hand in front of her face. "Kat?" I snap my fingers but her face is straight and her eyes are blank.

"Ok." I get up. "Blake, Nicole, stay with the babies. James, call Carlos. Logan, call Fuckboy and his friends." I pick Kat up bridal style. "I'll take Kat to the hospital. Logan, James, you come too, the others will meet us there."

Everyone nods and does their job.

I carry Kat outside and put her in my car. James sits with her in the back, Logan sits in the front with me.

The drive is silent.... well except for Kat's muttering and occasional screams.

Her eyes close and her face drains of any color.

"Kendall!" James voice is full of panic.

"Almost there."

When we get to the hospital, the lady at the desk sighs. "Yes, may I help you?"

"Um, yeah, actually you can! My sister is none responsive."

Her eyes widen and she calls a doctor.

Three male nurses put Kat on a stretcher and roll her away.

I bite back tears.


I take a deep breath and turn to them. "Logan, is Fu- Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton coming?"

He nods. "And Liana....."

I sigh. "She won't be allowed to speak to Kat."

They both nod.

"James, is Carlos coming."

"He can't, he's out of town, visiting family."

I nod and that's when Blake and Nicole come in with the babies.

Calum, Michael, Luke, Ashton and Liana walk in.

"Katara Schmidt?" A lady calls.

I walk over there. "I'm her brother. How is she?"

"Well she's in a coma. Doctors haven't found a cause yet."

I nod, sigh, and run a hand through my hair.

"You may visit if you'd like." She walks away.

"C-Calum." I turn to everyone. "I can't bring myself to see her...... Y-you go Cal."

He nods and goes to her room.


She looks so pale, so fragile.. My Katara looking so helpless. I turn around and face the door, debating on whether to leave, but I can't leave.

I can't leave Katara like this. Like always, I'm afraid..


Hey guys, sorry to make it so....... sad.

I just watched 'If I Stay' and it inspired me to do this.


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