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"Where is she?!"

"I don't know, Ken." I try calling her again. "Pick up. Pick up. Dammit Blake!"

Lydiette and Jamari cry when I yell.

Carlos gets to them first. He takes care of it.

None of us can seem to find or get ahold of Blake. We've searched everywhere we thought she'd be.

"Let's go to the park to search." I suggest. I don't know why but my heart is telling me to look there.

"I'll stay and watch the babies." Nicole says.

I nod and the rest of us leave. Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton are wih us.

After a bit of walking around I hear quiet sobs from a treehouse. I climb up the ladder and that's where I find Blake.

I go to her. "What's wrong?"

She won't speak and holds her knees to her chest and looks away as more tears fall.

I get out my phone to call Kendall but Blake quickly takes my phone when she realizes that's who I'm calling.

She slowly breathes to try and regain some ability to talk. She speaks, "I don't know if I can be with Kendall anymore."

"What?" I'm confused and a little mad because he's my big brother.

"He deserves someone that can give him kids. I was abused as a kid and I was hit extremely hard in my stomach that I had to have surgery and because of something they wouldn't tell me about. I can't have kids if he wants kids someday, he deserves to have them, which I can't do for him." She sobs more.

"Oh Blake." I hug her.

She hugs back.

"You could always adopt."

"But, wouldn't he want kids that have the same DNA?"

I smile. "Blood dosn't make a family. Love makes a family. And, trust me, Kendall has enough love to go around."

I stand up and hold out my hand to her. "C'mon Blake, let's go find Kendall."

She hesitates but takes my hand. I pull her up and we leave the treehouse.

She gives me my phone back. I text everyone that I found her.

Immediately Kendall runs up. "Blake!"

She tenses. I put my hand on her shoulder and lower my voice so only she can here. "Everything will be okay."

She nods.

"Blake!" He picks her up and spins her around. He puts her down and hugs her. "I was so worried about you."

"K-Kendall we n-need to talk." She pulls away.

He looks confused but nods. "Oh! Sure, sure, what do you, uh, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well...... I can't give you kids." She braces herself.

Kendall is silent for a moment. He puts his thumb and forefinger under her chin and turns her so she looks at him. "Blake...... Blake, baby, open your eyes."

She hesitates but opens her eyes.

He gives her a gentle smile. "Blake, I don't care if we can't have kids."

"Y-you don't?!"

"No, we can always adopt, but I just wanna be with you."


They both look at me.

"I ruined the moment."

Blake smiles. "No, no, there would be no family moment without you."

"F-Family moment?" My eyes widen.

They both nod and open their arms out to me. We have a group hug.

The others join us.


"Hmm?" I pull away from Blake and Kendall.

"Ca-can I, uh, can I t-talk to you?" He looks at the ground.

I look at everyone then back at him. "Oh, yeah, sure."

We go into the treehouse.

"What do you-" I was cut off by his lips on mine.

My eyes widen and I quickly push him away. "What the hell Calum?!"

"I want you back." He gets down on his knees, tears filling his eyes.

"Dude, get up."

When he doesn't, I sigh. "I have the kids to think about Calum. I'm happy and my life is going great. You always seem to come back into my life when I'm good."

"Katara, don't get back with me then. But just forgive me please." He hugs me and I start crying remembering all the things we've been through.

"I feel so fucking bad. I can't sleep at night remembering you cry on the phone and I was such an asshole to you." He hugs me tighter.

"Calum it's okay..." I pat his back.

"I was supposed to be there for you trying to help you with the pregnancy and babies."

"Calum, I forgive you."

"KAT! CALUM! Come on we gotta go!" Kendall calls for us.

"I love you, Katara. I always will." Calum says hugging me one last time before we leave the treehouse.

Kendall immediately grabs my wrist and pulls me away from Calum. He stomps over to him. "HAS SHE BEEN CRYING?!?!?!?!?!"

Calum's voice is shakey and cracks here and there. "Yes and so have I."

Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum leave.

I sigh. "Let's go home."

No one objects and we leave.

I get the kids down for the night and everyone is already asleep.

I look at my room. Nothing has really changed except I have a crib in my room.

I sigh and go to sleep.

Calum still loves me?


Hey guys, how's 2016 treating you so far?

Mine is already filled with drama.

Special thanks to spoopy-Howell (Blake) and KayleeHerring0 (Nicole)


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