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It's a week untill my birthday. I'm kind of excited but not really wanting to deal with a lot of people.

I'm wearing a white crop top that says my favorite quote from The Fault of Our Stars with ripped jean shorts, just sitting on the couch being lazy.

Ever have one of those days?

"You know how all your rings have meanings?" James looks at me.

I just nod.

"Well this one's from us." He hands me a velvet box.

I look at him sceptically.

"Consider it an early birthday present." Kendall says.

I open it, reveaing a golden ring with four sapphires in a circle and another one in the middle. It looks kind of like a flower.

"5 sapphires. One for Carlos, James, Logan and me. Then the middle one is for you." Kendall smiles.

"There's something on the side." Carlos smiles.

Wow, a lot of smiles today.

I look and it says 'To our 5.' In cursive with the BTR logo.

"It's a reminder of that time Carlos 'accidentally' smashed that rich girl's staue that was made of sapphires." Logan elbows Carlos.

"And that we're inseparable." James adds.

"How did you get these?" Sure they're sort of rich. But still.

"I kinda stashed five sapphires when we were cleaning up the mess and completely forgot about them till I found them a few days ago." Carlos smiles.

James takes my left hand and puts the ring on my ring finger.

"I love it. Thanks guys." I kiss their cheeks and grab my purse and jacket. "I really need to go though guys."

They nod and I leave.

I hate leaving but I have to spend time with everyone before my big party on my birthday.

I drive to their apartment building. Luke greets me outside.

"Hey Katara." He smiles.


"Come on in." He opens the door and we walk in. We go into the elevator and go up to their room.

He gets his keys out. "You know, he's been asking about you."

"Oh." I play with my new ring.

It looks like a pretty simple place. There's a red couch and a flat screen. The kitchen is right next to it. The hallway leads to five doors. One for each boy then, I'm guessing, the bathroom.

I sit at the bar in the kitchen. Ash walks in and sticks his head in the fridge.

He's only in freaking boxers! I'm screaming...... inside of course.

I clear my throat. "Um Ash?"

He jumps at my voice. He turns around and I slightly wave.

His face drains of color and he runs and dissapears into one of the rooms.

I love my brother's enemy //C.HWhere stories live. Discover now